Street art in Seattle Washington

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That Guy Fawkes / Luigi mask Fucks.

There is so much affection in that little left hand… 🤮

I don’t think Putin would be strong enough to actually do this. Trump’s a little heavy. Diaper would also get in the way.

This on the Hill?

That can’t be good for Putin’s back

Share…Share..every where.

The only thing Putin has left to decide is whether he pulls Trumps diaper to the side or takes it off.

I’m sorry straight people. These guys belong to you.

Sometimes when we touch, the honesty is too much 🎶🎶


Nobody puts baby in a corner.

Trump is such a cuck

Let’s not use homophobia to fight those we don’t like. Comon


What are you people, 11 years old in 1998?

OMG – I’m conflicted because this is so grotesque yet funny at the same time! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)

This looks way too affectionate for what’s really going on.

He went from being Musk’s bottom bitch back to his old master and he just took him back? Putin never struck me as the kind to share.

Disgusting and beautiful lol.

Let the love-fest begin…🥰

Finally a big beautiful picture of their relationship. Thank god they left the clothes on. I’m guessing when these two do this they are naked and now I have that image and may never sleep again.

When I saw it, it looked like this, which is fitting because it’s right by the “gum wall”.

Where is president elon


Love those Luigis.

The creativity of the mentally ill, as always, shows their inner world.

Alt line: resistance is fertile.

haha putin gay.

A genocidal freak throwing people with emotions and families into the meat grinder and yet time and time again the greatest insult straight people can come up with is “What a fag.”

Good job.

Finally some Trump/ Elon yaoi.

Someone needs to add Elon giving the orange dude a rimjob

Fuck I love my state

cool art


Flip the camera around and you’ll see two crack prostitutes doing this exact pose!

Oooh, that’s what he meant by Putin being a strong man…

They look so Happi together!!!🥹

Here come all the dumbass “hur dur this is homophobic” comments

Upvote Luigi

This belongs in a museum

Putin looks a little too tall

Common Seattle W

I feel like the best way to deal with trump is to use insults and mockery.

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