Stressed at work? You’re fired!

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The beatings will continue until morale improves.

This can’t be real

Emplopyee: “I hate it here and im incredibly stressed out.”

Employer: “Uhm, red flag, sweetie.”

This is literally an [IT Crowd episode](, life imitating art.

Can’t be stressed at work if you have no work.

that… feels really illegal.

Yes, madam.
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that pfp reminds me of someone

“Let’s take our stressed employees and fire them so they can have even more stress by needing to find a new job, truly a greatest idea”

Sadly in India you are very much replaceable. A common phrase by many bosses ‘If you can’t handle the workload there are 100s waiting outside’.
Companies go through many people before realizing the workload is too much and hire more people for that position. Companies don’t lose anything, but people are left with mental trauma.
Many companies are in perpetual hiring mode, they are just testing the limits of workers. If someone somehow manages the workload then he becomes the ideal and others are expected to also do the same.

She’s so bitter ewwwwww. Imagine feeling like someone’s stress is a personal attack so you fire them without trying to alleviate their stress first.

*Mildly* infuriating?

That’s insane.

The IT Crowd was a documentary. 

stressed? ~~fired~~ straight to jail

In the US general stress is not a protected disability and this is generally legal. Never let your job know you’re stressed, wait until you have a mental breakdown and go postal instead! /s

This is 100% more than mildlyinfuriating….

I’m sure the non-stressed emloyees left behind will have a very chill workload now that they have to also shoulder responsibilities of people who were fires

This is like the IT Crowd stress episode! WTF?!

Asshole madam.

Stressed about work? Don’t worry you no longer have to work, you’re fired 😀

It sounds like we should give the company a review.

This can’t be legal right?

It is time for the masses to rise against these lunatics

Ashu I hope you step on a lego

“Hey guys! In response to so many people being stressed out about this job we’ve decided to stress you out more by firing you and making you find a new job!”

The wrongful termination suit is gonna be a blast…

This is why no one trusts work surveys. Jesus Christ.

That’s outrageous. Interested to see what their Instagram comments are like in a few hours haha

Stressed at work? No problem. now you’ll be stressed without it. Your welcome.

Methinks they’re conveying this sentiment in action.
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If your skills aren’t irreplaceable, you’re disposable. Capitalism at its ruthless best 👍🏻

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I mean, she did receive an “A” in “Human Resourse”.

Hey guys so we fired half the team for bad morale about stress. You’re gonna have to cover their work for the next oh I don’t know 2 months until we find replacements.


What if you weren’t stressed, but this email was the reason you are stressed now.

Wow, instead of addressing the stress or finding ways to support employees, you’re just letting them go? This feels less like ‘valuing feedback’ and more like punishing people for being honest.

What happened to fostering a healthy and supportive work environment? The real message here is: ‘If you’re stressed, you’re disposable.’ Disappointing, to say the least.

That feels not legal

Someone’s gonna cold email them with the subject “You fired some, now you gotta hire some”.

How nice. They care so much /s

Wtf is this… This cannot be real??


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