Stressed at work? You’re fired!

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Well the person who sent the email in the header is real. Is on LinkedIn and is in an HR roll… so I guess this is real. Pretty shitty way to handle the situation and run a business.

Great lesson to never fill these out and always lookout for yourself.

Reading such incidents has put me under stress ! I better go home early

So, instead of fixing the cause of stress, we’ll just remove it altogether

Edit: Somehow, this is my most upvoted comment, but thank you all. I hope you all have a wonderful day❤️

Remember kids, always lie on these things and never believe anything that says it’s anonymous. 

Well now they’ll have employees stressed about losing their job and employees lying on future surveys. Great job!

Assuming this isn’t fake, is this even legal? Probably not, right?

Stupid corporations doing stupid shit

Edit: holy shit this blew up

What the actual fuck

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Is there any source or news article that I can share elsewhere

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

HR is crashing out


One company near me boasted their average pay rate was way above industry average.

They didn’t mention that over a 2 year period they outsourced or used agency staff for most of their general labour.

So by removing the lowest paid roles the average increased.

Wahahahahahaahahaha this is the stupidest action I’ve ever read!! Well done company!

Hope people consider boycotting such businesses.

Ah yes, cut away the people who are stressed out. You know just handing them a big bag of stress on the way out, they’re now out of a job and pay.

I swear HR has got to be one of the more sinister sectors in Corporations.

Also huge ChatGPT vibes.

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It’s not you, it’s me.

Nothing more scary than the “understanding” boss. If you ever answer any of their “wellbeing” questions honestly, you are GONE.

This was one of the best episodes on The I.T. Crowd.

I smell lawsuit

They are probably feeling stressed because they are overworked and carrying the load for the company. Good job getting rid of the people who probably work the hardest and care the most about doing a good job. Enjoy being a mediocre company at best

That’s why you never tell the truth on Company Surveys.

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Insert IT Crowd Scene; Everyone still experiencing stress at the end of the day WILL BE FIRED

Now the stressed ex-employeas will be stressed even more and sue the place for illegal termination, which hopefully will cause the management to be stressed too

I’m not entirely convinced they “deeply value their concerns”

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

The worst part is it’s not satire, it’s real. India needs proper job regulations.

This real?

Sounds like the reason they created the survey was to find people to get rid. This was their intention at the start.

If this is real. Screw them.

Retaliation is against current federal labor laws. Hopefully all those employees collectively sue their company and make more money than they were probably getting paid.

Yo dawg, we heard you like stress at work so here’s some extra to take home.

They’ll end up firing absolutely necessary employees in key roles lol.

Somewhere in that company is a CEO who needs… *adjusting.*


This isn’t “mildly interesting” this is outright infuriating

And the beatings shall continue until moral improves…

Nothing reduces stress like saying people with high stress are being let go and then not saying who until later.

i mean,,, they did,, fix the problem


Is this real? I’d like it to be real please

You can’t be stressed about work if you’re unemployed

This has to be a publicity stunt

The lashings will continue until morale improves!

What in the actual fuck

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