Strike one

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I somehow feel that question three will be

“Do you have reddit or discord?”

Rick and Morty is just Hazbin Hotel for straight people

Phil out here playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers. He’s got his priorities straight: Rick and Morty, pot, and… probably Reddit. Gotta respect the hustle. 😂

The super like seals it.

He wants a friend, not a girl friend/

Gee, I wonder why he’s single.

Phil sounds like me 15 years ago, fuck Phil.

Bullet dodged

Wow you’re talking to my sister’s ex

*why ask the same question twice?*

🚩 🚩

Thats what you get for matching with a rodent

I also took years to finally decide to watch Rick and Morty but it wasn’t because I don’t like it, it’s literally just because it makes me trip too much. I need to watch it slowly, carefully, no more than 1-2 episodes at a time.

when is the wedding?

Rick and Morty is one of my favorite shows, and people like this is why I don’t tell anyone that

Strikes one, two, and three for him. He’s out.

when you’re good looking and never developed a personality.

then you wonder why you get so many matches but nobody wants to meet.

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