Stuff like this is why Luigi will probably be acquitted

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Manage your pulmonary embolism on your own time, loser!

“You were in the hospital to observe if something went wrong, nothing went wrong, ergo the hospital stay was not needed, Claim denied” is some goddamn mental gymnastics. It would be funny if it wasn’t so goddamn horrible.

Try leaving. Then they say Against Medical Advice.

If this is real, American healthcare is in serious troubles.

The sentence structure is so stilted and odd, is this how Dr AI handles patient care?

My wife and I just had our Son in May. It was a tough delivery but everything was ok (thank god) and we had pretty good health insurance (Meridian) and obviously had hit our deductible.

Still with that we saw a bill of 150k for four days in the hospital and an emergency C-section.

Now we hit our deductible but still had to pay 7.5k out of pocket because why not right?

The real kicker was that several months later we got a bill for our son. Obviously he hadn’t hit his deductible yet considering he didn’t exist until that moment so there goes another 5k.

This is all to say I don’t condone what Luigi did but if I’m on that jury then there’s no fucking way he’s getting convicted.

This is why a lot of hospitals now have denial of claim specialists whose job it is to fight on behalf on the doctors/patients to overturn these kinds of ridiculously egregious denials.

I just got done surviving thyroid cancer. After my surgery my insurance initially denied my thyroid hormone replacement pills while in the hospital (pretty much the cheapest medication you can get, and one of the most prescribed).

My surgeon showed me his response. “They don’t have a thyroid anymore. Don’t be an idiot.”

They then approved my $4 pills.

They also tried to deny my radiation treatment initially as well.

No one has been more devastated by me getting cancer than my health insurance.

I literally seized from a tumor in my brain, and when the insurance denied me, they said it was because the hospital I went to for my “elective surgery” was not an emergency and, therefore, out of network.

Blood clots kill. Wait til whomever wrote this up has one and when they get told to go home and walk it off, right about then it should occur to them how others felt in this same situation. Then it comes full circle and they finally “get it.” But not until then.

In every other developed country, the attending doctor decides if you need to be admitted or not. The hospitals aren’t run for profit so there’s no motive other than care. Sometimes there’s pressure to discharge because of lack of space, but at least you aren’t finding out later that a pencil pusher accountant is second guessing an MD

5 yrs ago I suffered a widowmaker heart attack. I was told of an over the chest defibrillator that senses heart failure and shocks you. My insurance co. rejected it as “experimental.” After 2 long extra days in the hospital my cardio guy wrote two sentences on a form and they finally approved.

Two weeks later I suffered serious cardiac arrest. That thing saved my life.

Right wingers can bitch and moan all they want about the wait times in Canada for healthcare but if I had a fucking pulmonary embolism I know I’d get the needed care.

It’s functionally insane that an insurance adjuster can tell a doctor that a procedure isn’t medically necessary.

If the insurance company thought a doctor was over diagnosing treatment and just being wasteful they can report them to medical authorities later and they and the doctor can work it out. That would still not be anywhere near as good as proper Universal Health Care like every single other industrial country has, but it would be fucked up within normal parameters.

Email them back with “I’d like to send a message to your CEO, what’s his name?”.

No threat of violence that could get you arrested, just a request for information regarding the person who makes the final decision so you can send them a message.

What logic is there in our healthcare and insurance is that we have to “know” what is and what isn’t covered when we’re already sick and in distress. “Sorry while you were intubated, you should have known x, y, and z weren’t necessary and therefore not covered”

“The government shouldn’t be between you and your doctor.”

How about not having a fucking business with shareholders between me and my doctor?


So can you turn around and give the exact same reasoning to the hospital explaining why you’re not going to pay their bill?

I barely survived a pulmonary embolism, it felt like I was being stabbed in the lung with an ice pick. Fuck the insurance industry

Why hand out medical degrees if we rely on business majors to make healthcare decisions? /s

That’s so clearly a fucked up algorithm it’s pathetic.

I see insurance companies are like old school football coaches. “Cancer? Rub some dirt on it and get back in the game!”

“We are denying you claim because you didn’t need the medical care after you received it”

So letting the unneeded industry that makes money by denying care, stand between a patient and their doctor isn’t a good way to administer healthcare? Shocker.

“you weren’t actively dying so your hospital stay was unnecessary. To be eligible for a paid hospital stay you should have gone home and waited until you started dying before going in.”

Yep. That’s the American way to insurance

I am not a native speaker and just googled “acquitted” to make sure i understand that right. Yes i do. Why would he be acquitted? I mean, it doesn’t really matter if you kill a good or a shit person for the justice system right? Or what are you doing over there again? Do you decide murder cases depending on how likeable the victim was?

If Kyle Slaughterhouse can get acquitted, then Mario Mario’s brother can too.

He won’t be acquitted. Simply won’t happen.

Dude will not be acquitted.

American Justice system allows no justice to infect it.

We all need to stop saying free Luigi and focus our energy on blessing him and his family in every way we can so that copycats will not expect to go without consequences.

Rather they will expect to be celebrated and loved.

This shit reads like a narcissistic parent chiding a child who was sick for inconveniencing them.

It’s time you started using that second amendment for a good reason.

Wild that US insurance companies put customers on the hook for unnecessary treatments not decided by them and not hospitals. “Oh the hospital was in-network but the doctor wasn’t?” Should at worst be the hospital’s problem and not a patient’s.

As a non American, my biggest surprise about the shooting was that something like that hadn’t happened *much* earlier.

He doesn’t need to be acquitted. [Jury nullification]( is a thing. So is double jeopardy. 

Yeah…blood clot to the lung is what killed my mother. Near instantly.

He absolutely will not be acquitted but he might be copied.

So in the USA the heatlhcare insurance bookkeepers decide between life and death, based on technicalities?

America is a f#@king joke. Controlled by greed and insecure people with tiny peepee’s. Yet it seems to be the case that saying it’s the greatest country on earth and American exceptionalism makes it all true.

You lot need to get your head out your asses!!!

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