I don’t know if the hatred I feel is towards you or me
9 hours ago
Am I a bear now?
9 hours ago
r/ididntswipe yall still fall for this???
9 hours ago
It’s just a pic, nice try.
9 hours ago
These traps are probably laid out with some concealment. Like some leaves scattered on it and shit, so that the victim remains oblivious of the traps presence until they trigger it.
I fell for it.

Fuck you too dude
I swiped when I should’ve swooped
I don’t know if the hatred I feel is towards you or me
Am I a bear now?
r/ididntswipe yall still fall for this???
It’s just a pic, nice try.
These traps are probably laid out with some concealment. Like some leaves scattered on it and shit, so that the victim remains oblivious of the traps presence until they trigger it.
[Here’s an educational video about traps, bear traps, booby traps, thirst traps and more](https://youtu.be/UIFnANk3INo?si=LUnM25Bop3tTFuZc)
I’m not sure how people are falling for this when the swipe dots are so pixelated
“Please help, I’m a Nigerian Prince and…”
Well this explains that
Upvotes angrily
Fuck off
Ok dude…
Almost I didn’t see the 1/2 in the top right corner
Beary funny man…
Not gonna lie. You got me there.
Nope not today
i hate you
The link to the other pic must be broken. I swiped like 20 times, never worked.
Not this time you little shit
I wiped
Do you think me a fool? Well that was a lucky damn guess

Nice try buddy
It’s very easy to tell the gallery symbol is fake because it’s just as fuzzy as the rest of the picture.

I guess I am stupid then
That was funny
Sure bro
God damnit. How do I always fall for these?