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Why would I need a bootloader if I am setting this system up for 15 years uptime?

Look, I like idiots breaking their installations as much as the next guy, but I’m pretty happy that the OS my family members use is resistant against this kind of shenanigans.

Does this imply Linux is our slave??? GOODBYE WINDOWS, LINUX HERE I COME BABY

Sudo = shut up, do it?

So this is programmer humor?

I both hate and love the fact that my computer doesn’t allow me to do everything.

I just finished fixing a messed up boot loader all night after cloning my ssd and man, those are not fun no matter the platform T-T

Here’s a free, easy to use Edge Unistall Tool: [](

This actually does a good job of highlighting the difference between someone being responsible for a product or not.

If it let you delete your system, you know one of your relatives would try it to uninstall some crappy clicker game or something and then they would call their local computer store and complain to them and eventually the complaints get back to Microsoft.

With Linux you can go complain to a co-worker or something and they’ll just laugh at you and that’s the end of it.

This is shit,
I uninstall edge, just copilot and windows search will be break, I dont use it tho, it just missing shortcut for copilot and cant browse internet (search) via start menu, just can search local app/file. windows main function is working fine, free more ram space.

Me telling my friend to delete system32 as a prank on our teacher……….

Windows acts like a helicopter parent, while Linux is that chill uncle who hands you the car keys and says, “Don’t crash it.”

I once had a teacher helping me with Linux, it was my first experience. We used Ubuntu.
He told me to do a certain thing but said, “be cautious, doing this in the wrong situation could destroy the system” I was like “yeah, we’ll be fine” so he said “you shouldn’t think so simply about it, you don’t want to break your system.”

I don’t get the problem tho. It’s my system, I don’t care if it breaks, I’ll reinstall it. What can really go that wrong? The hardware isnt gonna explode or anything…?

Meanwhile windows won’t even let you stop updates. Delayed it for max time, tried to delay again when that time came and it said only enterprise users can do it…
Bro it’s my computer go fuck yourself. Got experience on Linux from work now so I’m gonna bite the bullet when my current contraption falls apart

Revo Unistaller free version helper me on Windows multiple times :).
I use Windows for gaming only so I wanted it as lightweight as possible. Revo was the first step.

Linux: ‘You are the admin here, enjoy your power, just do not go out of your way to create chaos. ’ Windows: ‘Do you want to open this file?’

I can’t for the life of me remember what I was trying to do, but I’ll never forget the error message telling me I was on my own and good luck.

Be me when I bricked my jailbroken iPod 5th Gen by messing with the Camera Roll database trying to change photo timestamps. Had to format.

Sudo make me a sandwich

-need to be owner of files on PC

-seems like alot of files aren’t owned by me and it’s a little annoying to make some of the individual files owned by me

– makes myself owner of every file using Sudo


-nothing works


-my install is now bricked

I used the stones to destroy the stones

This is the freedom of FOSS.

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. If you know what you are doing, you will love linux. But if you are someone who just expects things to work, same freedom can be a problem for you.

Freedom with understanding is full experience of freedom. Freedom without understanding just makes you vulnerable to your own lack of understanding.

“byebyeedge” by usefulstuffs on github *flies away*

[Beep Boop Son, Beep Boop](

Might as well Delete System 32 too

Man when I was a kid with win95 I wanted to find out what every file did so one arvo I sat down and tried to open and then delete each file in C:/. 
When an error popped up after deleting the file I got to understand what it did. 
Eventually I got to sys32. 

That weekend the computer guy had to teach me how to reformat and install windows. 
Best learning experience. 

Linux should be on every child’s pc. 

Chrome the new Internet Explorer now, so you might want to hold on to that Edge anyway

Super User Do

You can do a lot of this with the windows poweshell too if you want to

run as admin -> `rmdir /s /q c:windows`

Sudo make a sandwich

I’ve thought “edging” meant an unpopular browser choice for far too long…

The 2nd act is a bit incorrect. The Linux should tell you “you need superuser privileges for that”.

Like c’mon, telling you about your system breaking isn’t implemented anywhere. Maybe Ubuntu?

I once uninstalled python on Linux, completely fucked everything.

GRUB2: Electric boogaloo

This is why I’m still on windows 10 LTSC – the OS was happy to delete edge for me and it caused no problems.

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