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It wasn’t until SB XXVII in 93 when Michael Jackson performed that it became it’s own show. But I walk the dog at halftime so what do I know.

Not sure how exactly one does not have the reading comprehension to understand the lyrics โ€œSay Drake, I hear you like em youngโ€

Gotta put quotes around โ€œnone of us understoodโ€ it really wasnt that profound that the average person couldnt understand.

[old man yells at cloud]

I understood and enjoyed the halftime show. It’s hilarious watching people try to downplay it.
If it was so mid, why do you make memes about it? Rent-free in your head.

I wasnโ€™t going to watch a game were a seditionist was front and center.

Speak for yourself…

Apparently if you didnโ€™t like the halftime show, you were racist. Thatโ€™s not a joke either, Iโ€™ve genuinely seen that comment on Reddit.

My favorite part is watching BPT on Reddit pretending to understand it and analyze it while constantly contradicting each other in what the message was.

This superbowl brought back tradition. The tradition of one team spanking another so bad, they gifted a touchdown while gatorading the coach.

I am old enough to know halftime is never as good as the hype, and my halftime piss is more satisfying.

I am old enough to know the super in Super Bowl is as fictional as that in Superman.

Thatโ€™s because back then the halftime shows were always Up With People, Disney On Ice, or some stupid ass magic trick with 3D glasses by a man in an Elvis costume.

To be fair the game itself was a bloodbath. It was over in the 2nd quarter.

Ah yes the simple days of wardrobe malfunctions

Most of us changed the channel for half time to watch whatever fox affiliates had , like in living color or bud bowl or puppy bowl ..

Maybe itโ€™s because Iโ€™m not *quite* 30 yet, but I remember the halftime show being the main show for most people. Especially if neither team was particularly liked.

If a white country singer rapped in the middle of their song they would get it.

Weird way to announce youโ€™re stupid, but ok.

What in the dog whistling is going on here ๐Ÿ‘Ž

If you didn’t get it, it wasn’t for you

Look up 40 acres and a mule… The halftime show wasn’t for you

Most of us understood it. Itโ€™s just the narrowminded bigots who didnโ€™t and/or decided to throw a fit over it.

Itโ€™s almost as if conservatives are emotional. ๐Ÿ˜€

Oh what travesty having to turn my brain on to fully appreciate an artistic performance

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