Sure, it’s cute when you are 8. But when you are 78 and the president, try being a grown-up.

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Dude is a weirdo. there’s no way around it, he is not a serious person at all. The way people listen to him like he has good ideas is crazy to me. Everything he says sounds like stream of consciousness, just rambles until people clap then leans into it.

“red, white, and blueland”

“Super-duper missile”


“We’re going to Nars”

*Signs everything with illegible scribbles from a big fat marker

I think we can confirm that the president is literally a special needs child

*Oh forgot that he shits himself too

This man is a national embarrassment and I cannot believe he was reelected.

>try being a grown-up


Actually this is why he is so popular. He appears โ€˜humanโ€™ to everyone because he isnโ€™t trying to put in a front.
Sure I donโ€™t like the guy but he does have it down to an art of doing what he does and appealing to the masses.
Itโ€™s a matter of learning to break down social norms in order to achieve what he wants when he wantsโ€ฆ. It a very useful skill tbh. Unfortunately when youโ€™ve done it for so long and for so hard, heโ€™s now disconnected from reality.


The problem is not that he’s goofy or childish, the problem is he is a fucking fascist..

Wasnโ€™t cute when he was 8 either.

Mommy and Daddy didn’t teach him shit. Just a spoiled brat that always got what he wanted.

Not a fan of Trump but if I see a sword just sitting there, I am going to want to play with it. I probably wouldn’t pick it up in a room full of people but it would be tempting.

1) Big Boy dwives Big Boy twuck.

2) Cloth Molestation is his kink.

3) The Baby Poop-Face. We all know it.

4) Cosplaying as Darth Dementia.

This man is creepy in his appearance, his mannerisms, the way he talks and the way he thinks.

Like he would ever know how to be anything other than a spoiled petulant psychotic 8-year-old.


Honestly I would appreciate these pictures more if he wasn’t such a dangerously hateful and greedy person. I don’t think theres anything wrong with being a big ass kid and being silly from time to time but the issue is Trump is emotionally immature, has no empathy, and is incapable of acting like an adult. He acts like a child in all the wrong ways.

Donโ€™t elderly folks that are losing their marbles often revert to child like behaviours?

Heโ€™s mentally ill.

If he could move on to that part that comes after being a grownup, that would be fine too

Ya and shitting your pants and falling off your bike is cute when youโ€™re 8 but yโ€™all donโ€™t say shit about Biden lmao

That flag thing looked like a SA.

Itโ€™s not an actโ€ฆ he really is that immature and emotionally under developed. A pouty potus should only take place in comedy skits. Sadly, this dangerous dufuss lied his way to the presidency.

Literally the only thing he cares about is getting attention. He is like a toddler who can’t tell the difference between getting yelled at and getting praised: it’s all attention as far as he’s concerned, so smearing shit on his face and saying crazy things works just as well as making sense or looking good and it’s waaaaay easier.

If only murica hadn’t elected him.

Nursing home immediately

Yeah, because Biden was a gem. Zombie who couldnโ€™t form a sentence, filled it with lies when he did form one, and didnโ€™t do anything after 4 PM.

Stay butthurt. You lost the presidency and you will lose the culture war. When Elon buys Reddit Iโ€™m gonna piss from laughing so hard

Too many anti trumpers, not enough anti CIA

Bro is having fun.

Sounds like youโ€™re butthurt

I don’t get it

Ight but Id have done the same holding an actual sword cant fault him there

2-3 ok maybe I see your point slightly 1 and 4 ? Fuck you id be doing the same exact thing at 100๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

This guy makes toddlers look like Nobel laureates.

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