Sure whatever movie you want to be a Christmas movie is. If it feels odd for you to be watching it at a time that isn’t Christmas time.

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Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone is my favorite Christmas movie


What in the karma farm is this shit

For a few years watching “Faces of Dearh” was a Christmas tradition for a couple friends and I. I miss you guys!

Any movie from the Alien/Predator franchises.

Counterexample: Nightmare Before Christmas, which is absolutely a Christmas movie and completely fine to watch on Halloween.


I can watch The Holiday at any time of the year though

It doesn’t feel weird watching Christmas Vacation in July… it’s still funny… does that make it not a Christmas movie?


By that logic, I guess nothing is a Christmas movie to me.

Every year we all have to pretend that Die Hard is a Christmas movie just because it takes place around Christmas.

But it’s a heist movie. It’s not ABOUT Christmas. So it’s not a Christmas movie.

Fight me.

Great point!

I watch Die Hard with my family every Christmas Eve. It does feel weird to watch it any other time.

This point solidifies Die Hard as a Christmas movie for me. In fact, it’s the BEST Christmas movie.

That’s just the Hallmark Channel

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