Sure, why not

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It’s definitely irritating there hasn’t been a halfway decent single player pirate game since Black Flag. Feels like a massively untapped market

The Yakuza series could go anywhere and make it work.

The devs could make a Flintstones Parody and make it Yakuza and make it work.

Don’t know why Yakuza is going the pirate route, but I’m glad to see it.

Your telling me the AAAA +++ game Skull & Bones from our Lord and Savior Ubisoft didn’t fit the bill?!?!

How shocking šŸ˜Æ

My disappointment that there wasn’t a turn based JRPG that takes place in a modern day setting and has characters that are actually adults

The Yakuza series for some reason

I miss Sid Meyers Pirates…

So this is how i learn of a pirate themed Yakuza game.

I just started playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and I found a pirate hat. So that is my pirate game.

The last 2 entries have been the best for me. I got sucked into mahjong through yakuza lol.

The idea that Sega might put out a better pirate game than Ubisoft’s “quadruple A” junk *AND* that it’s a goofy Yakuza spin-off is just hilarious.

I played the demo for 15 minutes and almost preordered. Iā€™m going to do a deeper dive over the weekend to make sure itā€™s as fun as I thought it was. But it does more in the 15 minutes I played than the few hours I tried Skull and Bones.

Pillars of Eternity II is also kind of a pirate game for some reason

I’m waiting for a good open world superhero game where you make your own. And to not just be told to play saints row.

Sea of thieves has it’s issues, but it is definitely a good pirate game

It’s impressive how goddamm RRG devs made a better pirate game in a few years, than Ubi in a whole ass decade

Played the demo, and the ship combat reminded me of AC Black Flag (best pirate game imo). I was already going to get it, but that sold it for me.

Yeah man, Yakuza is the absolute GOAT for gaming. Other studios should literally just give up now. Next Yakuza should outdo Elden Ring Gothic vibe

This is how I learn that there will a Majima pirate game coming out in seven days?

Rogue Waters is a pretty fun pirate game. It’s a turn based rogue like strategy game. It’s not much for a story, but the game play is fun. It’s a solid 10 or so hours of fun. I beat it the other day.

Y’all forgetting the AAAA game “Skull and Bones”?


RGG has your back, friends. I know a LOT of us Yakuza fans seem a bit much, weird and obsessive, but they really do make games to purely be enjoyed. If none of you have checked one out yet, Yakuza 0 is all time, and if you just want one single standalone game, the spinoff Judgment (JUSt that one) is also a great jump on point. We’d welcome you all, no questions.

Reminds me of 13 years ago when Black Flag released and people were making the exact same type of jokes about pirate games and the Assasin’s Creed series.

Funny how history echoes sometimes.

Can’t wait for Yakuza in space.

Kingdom Hearts III, The Caribbean. I turned off the in-game music and blasted At Worldā€™s End soundtrack instead. Had the time of my life.

*What do you mean KH3 was six years ago???*

Ys X: Nordics is scratching that itchy for me

If you haven’t played it, the best pirate game remains Sid Meier’s Pirates!

Sea of thieves?

So, I’m a bit out of the loop. Is the yakuza game like a straight edge up pirate game? I assumed it was just gonna be mafia, but you’re dressed as pirates for some reason lol

My dream is Red Dead Redemption 3: Pirates of Tahiti

And after skull & bones there won’t be any in the future

I would really like them to remake Yakuza dead souls but with decent controls.

I really wish I knew what the fuck the Yakuza series was about. Each time a new game is released, I’m further from understanding.

RGG studio reminds me of the Rockstar Games of old. they were so creative back then and pumping out games that are essentially the same but freshen up with a twist. look at Warriors, bully, manhunt.

nowadays they only focused on pumping out shark cards.

ive had the “man i wish there was a modern _______” only to be solved by the yakuza games, about 6 times now

it gave me such a One Piece vibe too I can’t wait to try out the demo tomorrow tonight

Sea of Thieves has good co-op. pretty lacking even with the new update for more “singleplayer content”

Haven’t tried Sea of Thieves but [Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)]( developed by Akella and published by Bethesda was the bomb. I probably played over 100 hours of that game as a teenager.

I just want a good VR Sea of thieves. Iā€™d basically live in it

What makes a good pirate game?

Never played a pirate game. I guess that would be a good start then

In a long time? King of Seas is barely four years old.šŸ¤”

Not new, but if you haven’t played it, I had a lot of fun with Tradewinds(2) as a kid.

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