Symmetrical bald eagle gliding over water

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FYI, credit is to Steve Biro Photography. I saw it on Pubity.

Symmetrical common repost gliding over water

[Here]comment image) is a higher-quality and less-cropped version of this image. [Here]( is the source. Credit to the photographer, [Steve Biro](, who [took this]( at the Canadian Raptor Conservancy in Vittoria, Ontario on May 4, 2019.

It’s very clearly mid-flap, not gliding.

Looks like a sloth with massive arms going in for a hug

What an amazing shot

*red-tailed hawk screech*

This could go in r/birdsfacingforward

Man I wish this sub had more pictures like this

Looks like F22 raptor from the body shape

Hydrofoil eagle. A Hyrdoagle if you will

Why is it called bald though? It’s not bald. I’m dumb as hell

When eagles pretend to be Romulan warbirds.

Is he mad at me


You bout to get some freedom.

comment image

Ray Trace: on

Yeah almost all of them are symmetrical

Looks exactly like my mom anytime she heard me go into the fridge without asking.

Eagle: *U wot m8?*

Dude has that “Don’t fuck this up Clark” look all over his face. If you follow this eagle’s social media trail I guarantee you find an embarrassing photo/video of him just rolling through the water attempting this move.


What a jigsaw this would make


-x^2 + 1 {y>0}

x^2 + 1 {y<0}

Murica fuck yeah!

Wow ๐Ÿ‘Œ

It would be fucking dope to be an eagle

Awesome ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Fun fact the bird was under water when the photo was taken. Swamp gas and a weather balloon made the above water image.

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