Syrian army tank becomes vegetable stall

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This is such a wild picture. The tank has probably killed people and the food will keep people alive.

This is such a striking imageā€”on one hand, the tank represents destruction, possibly taking lives, while on the other, the food symbolizes survival, offering hope and sustenance.

Wars must stop šŸ‘

I really hope that the region and the people living there finally find some peace.

Stop war, eat food.

armored vehicle? nah, itā€™s just a farmored vehicle now

If he had watched The Last Airbender he would know this is a really dumb move.

prices are not negotiable

I love this, “tanks into vegetables” is a party slogan I can get behind!

Eats shoots and leaves?

Swords to plowshares. Tanks to food stalls.

Life, uh, finds a way

Those are some massive cabbages!

Lifeā€¦. Finds a way

Not a christian or any kind of ‘person of the book’ but I can’t think of any more appropriate quote than this bible one –

>They shall beat their swords into plough-shares and their spears into pruning hooks.

*Isaiah 2:4*

This will be a plot point in a future alien invasion movie.

Cabbage merchant upped his game

“Try fuckin’ with my cabbages now, bitch!”

Swords to plowshares

How long until Israel bombs this entire neighborhood to destroy that tank?

Careful, the cucumbers can be delivered not just same day, but same minute.

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Finally, the weapon of destruction becomes a weapon of creation!

Banksy so mad rn

That’s just a regular Russian frontline vehicle as far as I can tell.

Dudeā€¦ how do you haggle over prices?

If it’s still operational it can double as a smoothie machine

It screams irony

I guess haggling is off the table?

The most bad-ass vegetable stall in ALL of history!

the tank that killed thousands keeping alive hundreds of people ironic…

This is a beautiful pic.
Long live the people of Syria.

Needs some flowers or veg in the barrel really


Survival amidst war

Exile target creature. Its controller gains life equal to its power. The smallest seed of regret can bloom into redemption.


kill all meat!!

Ain’t nobody stealing from that stand

Swords into plowshares

Swords to plowshares 21st century edition

Looks like Stardew Valley grange display.

Tank you for your service.

No more wars

load the cucumbers

based. soon old tanks will just turn into stuff that children climb all over.

The Cabbage guy from Avatar really leveled up

The Salad Shooter

no negotiating with that vendor

It would be cool if the tank could be retrofitted to fire food at people without breaking the food apart or hurting people. It would be the ultimate Metal Gear…

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