Systemic Failure Exposed…

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Imagine trying to spin a feel good story out of a 90 year old finally being able to retire because random people helped him and not the companies he worked for throughout his life… if I’m still having to work at 90 kill me.

Exactly this. It’s heartbreaking that someone who served their country has to rely on strangers’ kindness to retire. System fail.

Up next: “Syrians opposing the Assad regime no longer need to endure 20 years of daily torture in prison, thanks to the generosity of rebels.”

The american dream ladies and gentleman!

I couldn’t agree more.

Yeah, this is not the feel good story your looking for

I’m not American, so I don’t fully understand their pension or welfare systems at all, but can someone explain to me how and why Americans seem to always punch downwards?, as someone that comes from a country with a fairly decent pension/welfare system, and where people will generally try to help each other out, I just don’t understand it I really don’t.


glad folks stepped up for him.

Charity is a failure of government.

America: “We love our military, to the point where half of our economy is poured into it!”

Veterans: “So you love us and will support us after serving our country?”

America: “Fuck no, lazy bum, go work at 7/11 like the other trash until you’re 90.”

The american dream is now a dreamy distant fantasy …

this isn’t heartwarming, it’s embarrassing for a country as rich as the us to let this happen

Maybe he blew all his money on avocado toast, who knows?!

Hot take: we can acknowledge the terrible state of the country that put him in this mess AND celebrate what got him out of it! Just because a tiny spec of good exists in a sea of bad does not mean that we should not celebrate the good still, we should just not stop there.


No one should work until 90.

The need for a Revolution in the United States is well past due.

We’re all heading there. None of us will be able to retire unless we get as lucky as this poor fella

land of the free -to be taken advantage of.
imagine fighting for a country that doesn’t even care

The fact that this veteran had to rely on the kindness of strangers to survive is absolutely appalling. This speaks volumes about the state of our society.

Fuck the system

Then again, statistically, that vet probably voted for the “Keep 90 yo vets working” party, so, you know…

The internet never fails to deliver brutal yet necessary truths.

What’s crazyI is that the same boomers who were holding on to positions when i got out of college are now going to be entering the workforce again after Trump cuts social security and taking jobs those same jobs away again 

helping one veteran retire is great, but the fact that this situation exists is heartbreaking

Where’s this guy’s family? They should be looking after him, not strangers, or the government 

Didn’t he just die recently

i bet he would love to have a dollar for every time someone said to him “thank you for your service.”

I agree that this is just as sad as it is wholesome, but it should be said that some people are irresponsible with money. Regardless of how much they have, they will be broke.

Not saying that’s this guy, just that it’s not always the ones at the top’s fault for our failures

I would say it is the failure of the family.

Being a veteran doesn’t matter. It’s a superficial quality. Vet’s are not better than average people. It just highlights how stupid people think about others. OH, you need a special quality to deserve consideration and value. Bullshit

The fact is VETERANS get way better social safety nets than everyone else in the country. The average veteran has way more resources and benefits than almost anyone else in the country. Non veterans have it x1000000 worst.

~~Slavers~~ ~~Capitalists~~ Rich Assholes always appreciate a hard working slave… Makes them feel good to have provided their purpose to someone else’s life.

He can finally get into politics

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