Take cat to vet / Vet is also cat

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well well well.. what are we looking at here. not enough catnip seems the problem

I mean, my physician is also a human.

“These scans show a concerning lack of treats being given. Recommend doubling treat distribution from the staff. ”
– that vet, probably

“Hm… looks like you’re currently taking 4 greenies once a day. Let’s increase that to 5 greenies twice a day, and add a dose of nip before your human goes to bed.”

Prescription: One Churu 1X daily in the morning, four Temptations Catnip treats with dinner.

I’m not gonna sugar coat it. It’s pretty serious. You need to feed me

Look like we need to run a CAT scan.

That car is very aerodynamically-shaped.

Takes one to know one 🐈‍⬛

*Snicker* “Guys. Look! It’s mr *snickers* Jingles. And his human slave is named. Ben Dover! Did you lost your. Jingles to the vet?😅😂” *wheezes*

“Yeah Jerry but so did you so shut up!”

„I googled your symptoms and it says here that you have network connectivity problems“

Cat is looking up all the files on its kitty friends

“They said I weigh how much?!”

Idk makes sense. Im a human and see human doctors.. why not a cat see cat doctors?

“Hmmm let me see, it looks like you need more treats” 🧐

Who knows cats best? Cats! It’s purrfect.


purrfect vet

A cat scan and results are going to cost you extra!

Vet cat: From the looks of these reports right here, I regret to inform you that your cat is pregnant….

cats together strong
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this is too cute!! a vet who understands all the feline quirks is a dream come true

“nope… Not human”

Is that a 2008 Imac?

Hands over my prescription to the pharmacist and it’s just a bunch of paw prints on a piece of paper.

Must be awesome for your car to see itself represented in such a prestigious industry

Worried about this new nutritional chart…..

[Animal hospital?!](http://i.imgur.com/dgCMZx0.jpg)

Can this cat be my best friend? Such a cutie

The vet bill is too damn high. The cat is representing the vet bill is too damn high party

Looking over your chart here, looks like you need more wet food and feet covered by a blanket to attack.


“There’s a surcharge on the tax!”

Yes ma’am, I know your dog is young and healthy but I still must recommend euthanasia.

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He looks alot like my cat… does he have a secret job i don’t know about?

This feels like a conflict of interest.

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