Take your vaccines. They work.

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Glorious. Should be in a museum.

My fully vaxxed kid got whooping cough when she was 4 y.o. She was a hale and hearty kid, but THAT was terrifying- 3X rushed to the ER while blue in the face because of the cough. I cannot imagine how an infant would survive what she went through, and she was vaxxed! She didn’t get it as badly as an unvaxxed kid.


Baby coffins. Cute, tiny baby coffins.

My sister in law actually found a Dr. who said they’ll “sign whatever” so her kids can go to school. I’m legit waiting for the opportunity to pounce on that report.

I mean…why waste the time looking for a pediatrician?

These types of comebacks never get old…

That about summarizes the Hippocratic Oath perfectly. “First, do no harm… and maybe don’t dodge life-saving science”

I’m guessing throwing questions out into the internet void and waiting for random quacks posing as experts is just another example of her doing her “research”. Seems pretty on the nose for this lady.

Brilliant! Exactly! I wish they could spend two hours reading and researching instead of killing their children.

Anti-vaxxers are child abusers and murderers.

Or one who has been committed to a mental institution.

Call me crazy but I think this lady might be more dangerous to kids than drag queen at a story hour. But to be fair I also think drag is dull and I don’t really like kids.

Double tap to the noggin, agent 47 style

There is now a measles outbreak among children in the South and parents still wanna be anti-vaxers. This response was perfect.

It saddens me that this is getting downvotes.



Fucking brilliant 👏

10/10 no notes


There is no vaccine against stupidity. In the future the unvaccinated won’t exist. It’s called natural selection.

Technically truth!

The funny thing is if you look at the poster she has so many fillers, Botox, fake hair, the works.

All of that is safe and fine but protecting your child from deadly diseases? “I won’t put those toxins in my baby”

can all the older republicans in congress catch the measles. that would be so funny to see RFK explaining that one while being really sick from measles.

All the best doctors that don’t push vaccines are located in South Plains, Texas. Go there.

Specifying /s here because there are people insane enough to actually say dumb shit like this and mean it.

Carnac the Magnificent: “How does one find a pediatric oncologist?”

I’ll show myself out.

Perfect response.

To be fair he’s not talking to saramohrbrains

I think there’s an uncontacted indigenous tribe on a small island off the coast of New Zealand. They must have some sort of medicine man who can satisfy your desires. Many happy returns!

Some vaccines are good and have a long track record. Others don’t.

Isn’t there a middle ground here?

My husband is a palliative care doctor at a children’s hospital. It would be him. Even though he’s (a) a pretty good doctor, and (b) believes in vaccines.

Child mortality is higher in the USA than in the rest of Europe and Europe doesn’t have as many vaccines for children. I would suggest there’s some corporate greed going on and the high mortality rate is due to poverty in the USA. Vaccinate your kids but the way the USA does it does look strange.

Just let em do what they want. Let Darwinism do its work

You’re sick

This is hilarious 😂😂😂😂

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