Taken about 3 seconds after I said, “that cat better not be in that damn trash can.”

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Why cat-sized trash can if not for cat?

Is his name Oscar?

What cat? All I see is a trash can!!

It’s his studio apartment, Gary. 😸

You can’t just go around putting trash in his new house!


R2-D2 cosplay

He’s checking for you.

About 8 seconds before Orange boi said, ” That human better not say anything about my damn fort.”

My girl also liked the trash cans! Haha
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That’s …… freaking hilarious!!

I feel like Morgan Freeman would read that caption 🤭🧡

Clever boy! How did he get in there?

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Reminds me of mine, lost him last month, thank you for sharing ❤️.

Good hideout!

His tiny escape capsule

He’s lying in wait, then when you least expect it, he’ll spring his trap

Neighborhood raccoons have bad influence on the kitty 🐈😂🥰🍊

Am stelth. Am soljer.

if cat not meant to be in can, then why is can perfectly cat-sized?!

If I fit I sit


“He’s good, how did he know”

Please tell me this cat’s name is Oscar

Looking for the braincell I assume.

It’s basically a cat fort.

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“Good, where he belongs”


Weirdly square cat house but okay

That’s the cat’s trash can now.

At this point just get another trash can, it’s his now.

Is trash can, not trash can’t

This is my favorite photo on the internet today, thank you.


“you rang?”

You need a decoy one for him, and maybe keep something heavy on the one you don’t want him in lol, what a cutie <3

Goodness he looks so smug about it too

Needs a sign that says “not trash can, orange cat getaway.” Just to make sure no one puts trash in it.

Tank commander at his battle station.

That damned trashcan shouldn’t have been a siren to the cat! I blame the trashcan! Kitty did NOTHING wrong!

About 10 seconds after dusting and yelling “Stinker, don’t you dare open the dresser and push the weed and remotes out again!”
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He looks so satisfied with himself lmao

He’s in the trashcan because he’s a piece of fucking garbage.

Me to the cat, almost daily, “get out of there, are you a garbage cat?!? Apparently, yes”

He said “ :3 “

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