Talkin bout “are we gonna have a better day today” 😑🗿

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i dont think the teacher is the problem it’s either you did something despicable or your parents are abusive

When the parents need teaching

It’d be funnier if it wasn’t so true. Still vividly remember getting detention for sleeping in class in 3rd grade. Was tired because alcoholic stepfather was raising hell until 3am and I had to get up and walk to school at 6:30. That detention cost me 3 baby teeth and a broken wrist. I don’t think the teacher ever really understood why I hated her, she was a really nice lady in hindsight, but young me had nothing but contempt for her.

if your parents wait to whoop yo ass ’till you get home, then it’s cause they know other people would be pissed and worried

“i had strict parents” foo you an abusive childhood

Next time I see my teacher imma say bad morning to her

Are you sure its your teacher “getting you grounded and beat” and not your own poor actions/choices? Maybe look into correcting your own behavior rather than trying to blame the person that held you accountable.

I’ve definitely been there

I hate this type of teacher for real

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