Tariff meme fail…

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This is commonly done though… If a country imposes a tariff on another country, then that country will often impose a tariff in response.

The big nose is the shit cherry on top of this awful meme

Going bankrupt to own the libs

It should also be said that a big reason drugs and guns and crime are so much of a problem is because American unregulated guns flow south over the border to Mexico to empower the cartels.

Ffs they didn’t hesitate to make a point of her being Jewish as well.

Oh goody…step two in tariff idiocy. Other countries retaliate against the tariffs. Just like intelligent people said would happen.

BREAKING: Guy who is a “Wharton Graduate” doesn’t know what a Tariff is or does, despite every high school “intro to Economics” student understanding it completely.

Kicking yourself in the balls is tough, but the magas seem to have mastered it. Maybe an increased diet of boot leather makes your legs more flexible. Hmmm 🤔 maybe time to call RFK.

His supporters are going to be so mad at Mexico when the prices go up on millions of goods.

The orange ghoul’s simps don’t use that gray matter in their heads for very much. You have to forgive their stupidity.

It’s phenomenally stupid to fuck up our relationship with Mexico, so of course it fits Trump like a glove.

In spite of American perceptions Mexico is actually a relatively big, wealthy, and powerful country. The US actually kind of relies on the Mexican government to do a lot of behind-the-scenes work to limit illegal border crossings and drug/human trafficking.

Stuff like that is why politicians sometimes use this thing called *diplomacy*, rather than trying to rule by fiat.

Didn’t we do the “Tariff wars” in like the beginning and f the 20th century? Pre WWII? And didn’t we learn that they don’t work?

The antisemitism is strong with that wojack, holy shit

Again, Fentanyl mostly comes from within the US.

45 angling for his War on Drugs by increasing egg prices, lmao.

Don’t forget that this is the same person who got upset when the president of Mexico pointed out that Mexico would not be paying for a border wall.

Hilarious and sadly ironic because the drugs and illegals coming over the border from Mexico will not be hit with the tariff only legitimate goods.

Note the antisemitic caricature of the Mexican president. They don’t really hide anymore.

7 Psychopaths —

>Michael Kelly: Put your hands up.

>Christopher Walken: No.

>Michael Kelly: But I have a gun.

>Christopher Walken: I don’t want to.

>Michael Kelly: That doesn’t make sense!

>Christopher Walken: I don’t care lol.

The caricaturist is an antisemite.

The antisemitism in this meme though.

Okay time out,

aside from the meme being obviously dumb,

you have to be on another fucking planet to draw Trump as more attractive than Sheinbaum

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Here are the actual noses of the people in that meme. Tell me that drawing of Sheinbaum is not a blatant attempt at anti-Semitism.

Ofc they drawed her in a long nose because she has jewish heritage

This is extra dumb considering the US can’t even win their own war on drugs internally. If we can’t find where our meth comes from (despite meth houses being smellable from several houses down), how can we expect any other country to find all the malicious actors who are honestly way better and more experienced with hiding?

Regarding drugs coming into the US, Trump doesn’t know that the US is a land of drug addicts, it is not mexico’s fault is the US demand.

Boston Tea party 2.0 incoming

The amazing part is how much it specifically fucks Texas. Mexico is literally their highest trade partner, $129.5 billion in exported goods, 29% of the states exports.

Suffer what you voted for dipshits.

trump firing the first shots in the coming trade war, how is this a surprise, to anyone?

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