Tax Fairness Debate…

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Still trying to redefine the word I see. Social security and Medicare are indeed entitlements. They’re entitlements because every single person that paid into them is entitled to that money. They’re not handouts. You can’t just steal money people have paid towards their retirements and call it “entitlements” as if it’s a bad word. It’s theirs. Not the governments to line their own pockets.

Cool sunglasses. I hope he overdoses.

MAGA has destroyed the US. Enjoy what you voted for you morons.

way to go maga enjoy what you voted for.

I paid into it my whole life. I am fucking entitled to it

I have been paying into SS since I was 16 years old in 1978 and am supposed to start collecting my well-earned SS benefit in a few years. Nanodick wants to get rid of it? Fine just pay me back every cent I have paid into the SS/Medicare system with the interest it would have earned, and we’ll be cool.

“I have become meme”

Never has so much cringe been combined with so much evil

Luigi really got the wrong guy.

MAGA voters are being treated how they wanted other people to be treated and they don’t like it.


We are entitled to SS. We paid into it our entire career. We are entitled to SS because we earned it

He wants to steal our money.

I fixed it.

People are entitled to their payments after paying into them their whole lives. Of course it’s an entitlement but what the h is wrong with that

I don’t think he knows what entitlements means. That’s our own money we get back

Seniors are entitled to Social Security. Those entitlements were earned. Elon is just spoiled, and entitled to nothing.

I feel like it’s worth pointing out that these are in fact *entitlements*. We pay taxes to the government and in return we are entitled to services. Those are *our* social programs and yes we are entitled to them.

Being an “entitled prick” is not the same as being “entitled to what is rightfully yours”.

Damn, no wonder some Americans don’t like immigrants, look at this one from South Africa.

It angers me that a program like SS is called “entitlement” when it’s our fucking tax dollars coming back to us. 😒

Look at that fucking clown. And somehow he’s allowed to destroy our country.

Man we seeing the Fall of the USA in real time

Plus having 2bn less money wouldn’t make the most miniscule difference to that asshole

Hate that Bernie is only now getting widespread mainstream support. He was robbed twice.

Agree, but liberals ultimately rejected Bernie and nominated Clinton, Biden, and Harris, none of whom support Social Security expansion. I don’t see any remorse or regret coming from the left….

As someone that sees all boomers using up ALL of the social security, knowing I won’t be able to use any by the time I need, knowing near 100% boomers practically voted for this..

I don’t mind. Take the social security..

It’s almost like letting a few individuals hold all the wealth and therefore power in the nation means the rest of us get fucked over. Perhaps we should work on replacing these people with actual working class people.

That’s literally what they are…entitlements. Because the people have paid into them their whole working lives and they are entitled to their benefits and the government is entitled to pay them.

You know what isn’t an entitlement or need? Taxpayer funded SpaceX.

Bernie is correct BUT 40 years of propaganda have made most Americans think anything beneficial = communism. Which 99% of them don’t even know what it means

They are entitlements. People are entitled to have the things they paid for. Pay your share musk.

An entitlement is something you have earned. I cannot understand how gopers made it a bad word.

Anyone remember the movie “the untouchables”… everyone is “TOUCHABLE”

Maga just needs to expire already. I’ll celebrate the day

This fucking guy is beyond evil. He only seems to *take* from the working people.
He has ***the most money than anyone in the history of the entire world***, but wants to take away our hard earned entitlements.

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