Tax the rich

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Except they’re his because he earned them, goddammit. But the single mom needing foodstamps is a burden on our society and needs to be shamed about it. Fucking freeloaders. But Elon is a genius and deserves his gubernmint handouts!

(Yes, I hope /s is obvious.)


JD would figure out how to make sure Peter Thiel gets it.

If only the budget was that low.

We can’t let Elon distract us from The Waltons and everybody else

Meh. It’s never been about the budget, the deficit, abortion, Willie Horton, trans kids, or any other fucking smokescreen they’ve ever thrown up to dupe their ignorant red base.

But you know that isn’t gonna happen, he’s gonna pick out the government “inefficiencies” that help other people and claim that extra money for himself.

Well….this post is a lie. He could not “fix the budget“ by giving back his “subsidies”. We have trillion dollar deficits. If he liquidated his entire net worth it wouldn’t pay the deficit.

No he can’t. Billions are much less than trillions

See that? THAT is what a welfare queen looks like

lol not even close. 

No he couldn’t. This is the dumbest shit I ever heard. Have you ever once heard of cash flow? This is written by someone who is completely ignorant of finance.

I hate Musk but this is why I cant with this sub. It is obviously incorrect and makes absolutely no sense. I’m a leftist, but I’m not stupid.

Communism is okay as long as only the Rruch are on the receiving end

Of course that’s not true. The budget deficit alone was $1.8T in 2024, many times Musk’s total net worth.

The national debt is much higher at $36T.

just an idea… and i’m going to get told otherwise for this but…

if money is what’s holding us back from rebuilding/remaking/repairing/revitalizing/restoring/creating/developing/inventing/pursuing/etc than why don’t we just DO IT on credit, and then cut people like him out of the benefits or something?

Elon could die tomorrow and few would mourn

Look, to be clear, we shouldn’t have billionaires and fuck Elon Musk.  Tax those fuckers at the top bracket insanely high like we used to tax 75+ years ago.

Hoeever, it’s a scale issue where we tax all of them, and all the hundred millionaires, to actually make an impact.  Just giving away all his money to the government would barely make a dent in a single year’s budget.  

Until billion becomes equal to or greater than trillion I don’t think that is true.

Tell me you have absolutely 0 clue about government and public finances without telling me…

I trillion is 1000x more than a billion.

People are so stupid 🙄 🤣

Why does this sub post the dumbest shit

But Elon is antigovernment lmao

Fair but I feel like the government would just go… “nice! Now we can spend and extra (however much Elon gave back)”

McDonald’s could feed the planet if it just gave its burgers away. And house all the homeless in each location solving the homeless crisis.

Why would he do that? Nobody is just going to give back money until they’re required to.

musk is a welfare queen, but drop in the bucket.

in a just world the health insurance companies would be suing the shit out of theassholes who’ve put forever chemicals in our food and cut education funding. that would be an actual positive for society and it would have probably look better for their bottom line too.

Bold of you to assume the government would use those funds for the betterment of the country

The irony is that Democrats don’t want that either, but everyone is still convinced they are somehow better.

Not even close. Not even for a week. Maybe not even for a day.

It’s not irony, it’s intention. Musk/Trump have no intention of ever “fixing the budget”; they want to a) hoover as much taxpayer money as possible into theirs and their rich friends’ hands, and b) make extra double sure they’ll never need to pay any taxes ever.

he could be the worlds biggest hero at the snap of his fingers but he actively decides to make it worse instead thats why i hate this fucking loser so much

im sick of talking about it how do we start doing it

jerkin off on the internet hasn’t accomplished shit the last 20 years

He’s not “fixing the budget” he’s *”fixing the budget.”*

Elon’s net worth is 430 billion. The budget deficit is around 1900 billion per year. His whole fortune would be enough to fund the federal deficit for less than three months.

Recurring costs don’t go away if you pay them for a year. Musk isn’t worth enough to cover the deficit. Biden blew up the budget and increased spending by over 50% relatively to the 2019 budget. The jump was from $4.45 trillion in 2019 to $6.75 trillion in 2024, a 51.7% increase with a $1.8 trillion deficit. We need to get spending under control. That will reduce our debt financing costs, when Biden took office our debt financing costs were around $352 billion, it’s now $1.126 trillion. Biden has been taking out a lot of debt and he has been refinancing existing debt that had a low interest cost. Even Janet Yellen says Biden’s budget is completely unsustainable.

Right now, while the economy is “great” it’s a good time to cut spending. Get people back into the labor force, we still haven’t recovered in terms of labor participation rate.

Womp womp gotta hate on someone who played the system

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