Tear it all down

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UHC: it’s not medically necessary you could let her die, that will let us drive more shareholder value.

Do Drs need to be trained in every insurance company policy ploy. Do they have more important things to do with their time. Get finance and lawyers out of healthcare.

I had an insurance agency try to decline covering my patient with a brain bleed for not getting them out soon enough. When asked what time I was supposed to get that patient out, they couldnโ€™t answer and tried to dance around the question. When I pressed further, they said they had no definitive time, they just didnโ€™t want to pay it.


โ€œWe have determined that the patient is not a CEO or billionaire and therefore is not entitled to continue living.โ€

Itโ€™s almost as if insurance companies like to take money in but hate to pay money out.

This reminds me of when they were passing the bill for Obamacare. The Republicans were running around screaming about death panels. About how under Obamacare theyโ€™re going to choose to let your grandma die. And like is that not what this bullshit is?

Just as murderers say, “Dead men tell no tales”, the health insurers say, “Those in a coma can’t fight back”.

UHC is hoping that the patient dies while the doctor is on the phone trying to appeal their ridiculous decision.

Families should be able to file wrongful death lawsuits when this bullshit happens.


Who’s the new CEO?


That’s why we need Medicare for all, and not that phony Medicare that the insurance companies run.

My Entyvio for my Crohns Disease was just denied, appointment for Infusion this Friday cancelled. They have the gall to have their workers start the phone call with ‘Happy Holidays’

United Healthcare is basically openly committing fraud by taking people’s money and denying slam dunk must-have-to-live emergency procedures as “unnecessary.” They are stealing.

wtf do we even pay premiums for if they donโ€™t cover this shit? I hate this system

Have they learned nothing??

Luigi was right

Delay Deny Depose

They need to have the right to overrule health insurance. Doctors should have final say on their patients, not organizations.

The good Zachary Levi.

Now now, thatโ€™s because they canโ€™t put โ€œwe donโ€™t think weโ€™ll financially benefit from thisโ€ on official paperwork.

Some bootlicking knucklehead is still going to argue the insurance company is right.

Tear it all down.

Ready player 2

There needs to be more of this.

More doctors, nurses, medical professionals calling out insurance companies.

More caregivers broadcasting how insurance companies are killing people with refusal of care.

Announce every single nonsensical denial.

Inundate us with this so that it’s clear that these are not one-offs but, rather, business as usual.


I’d say embarrass these companies, but they have no conscience. However, making it known sold build enough frustration that it creates pressure. Keep the pressure on and don’t let up until it bursts!

Can we charge the insurance company for murder?

If people never watched Star Trek: Voyager. They should at least try to watch the episode Critical Care – Season 7 Episode 5.

Their medical doctor who is a hologram is stolen and taken to an Alien Hospital. He gets activated and is shown the patients. He tries to work but he is only allocated so much time per patient based on an algorithm. He eventually figures out there is a tier system where only the richest and most important people get full medical health vs the poor people who get the absolute bare minimum. That episode should be an eye opener for anyone who lives in the United States.

I wonder if Dr. Levy has been detained yet for his โ€œterroristโ€ remarks /s


Anyone renewing a contract with UHC, is wrong as fuck.

I’m looking at you corporate HR.

Weโ€™re gonna need a bigger Luigi.

The fuck do we pay health insurance premiums for?!
Apparently not to save a life when it’s needed… hmm so remind where my premiums and deductibles go?

Isn’t health insurance an investment in oneself?

Shouldn’t it be?

Clearly it is not! So where is this investment going!???



Hey Doctor Oz said how he and the for-profit healthcare industry truly feels – uninsured people do not have the right to healthcare and there should just be a festival to check up on the poor.

Itโ€™s being torn down even further against the common human.

Huh. So the Hippocratic oath demands supporting Luigi.

What a fuckin’ time to be alive.



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