Teddy Roosevelt would’ve given him a whoopin’

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It’s beginning to look a lot like fascism 🎵

Serving the public is a thing of the past. Today, it’s about loyalty to the supreme leader.

He’s not a public servant…. He’s trump’s servant

So your oath is to a person and not the Constitution? If you get this job, you work for us.

I’m so tired of the believe that we work for politicians and not the other way around.

This might be funny if we all weren’t so fucked.

Breaking News: Conservative Confirms What We Already Knew: They Don’t Give A Shit About Us.

With each passing day this dude is more and more like a comic book villain. But one of the obvious ones who gets off’d halfway through.

I feel like that “50” slipped out. Oops.

Democracy deniers these days man 😂

Who tf do you think those people answer to?

The government is by the people, for the people…EAGLE

The fact that he said “50 senators” before correcting himself speaks volumes. You serve everyone, not just the 50 people you need to get confirmed

Defend. Deny. Depose.

Brought to you from the same people building a new department under the guise that civil servants should be accountable to the public so we need to eliminate them.

In a fascist system there are no public servants. Get used to it.

I thought he answered to the bottle.

The hearings and background checks must not be going very well. Even MAGA Republicans are going to hesitate to approve him.

Douche he is

At least he’s honest I suppose

Hmm lots of talk considering a ceo just got shot yesterday 🫣

Anyone in government who doesn’t answer to the public is not doing their job.

He’s done

Elections have consequences, this is what happened when you elect Nazis. 

Drunk shit stain

He answers to Putin

And all those other mfs he mentioned are public servants serving the public🤨🤦🏾‍♂️

Notice he almost slipped up and said he answered to only the conservative senators. Had to amend that number real quick.

Unless you have a Führer.

Hmm…where have I heard this before? Maybe something a fascist would say.

Remember: They’re all part of the oligarchy.

He’s still a private citizen. Not yet a public servant, so he’s right. Now, once (if) confirmed, that is a different story.

“I do not answer to beggars like you”

Lady in the back is like “can you believe this douchebag thinks he really has a chance?”

No. You’re a public servant. You’re supposed to represent us

“I answer to the 50…”. Lol, he knows who’s d*ck he’s eating.

Almost said the quiet part out loud “I answer to the fifty— 100 senators”

He meant he only answers to the Republican senators.

He needs to be United healthcared.

dude, there are more than 50 GOP senators out there. at least try to appease these people.

Remember: Trump wanted generals that were loyal to him, not to the state. You had a warning…

That comment from him should be enough to disqualify him!

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