Terry Fox, a 21 year old Canadian who lost a leg to cancer, began an east to west cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research. He ran the equivalent of a full marathon every day and made it 143 days and 5,373 km before he lost his battle with cancer

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Yeah he’s kind of a big deal in Canada. There’s an ESPN documentary about him if you’re interested. It’s called Into the Wind.

And schools and cities hold a Terry Fox run every year to continue his journey.

His foundation has raised over $900 million CAD and counting.

He was named Canada’s Newsmaker of the Year in both 1980 and 1981 by The Canadian Press. Considered a national hero, he has had many buildings, statues, roads, and parks named in his honour across the country.

As a Canadian I’m always surprised Most people don’t know about terry fox. In Canada schools and city’s gold annual terry fox runs every year and continue to raise money for cancer research 

💓 Terry is a true hero

He didn’t stop when he lost his battle. He’d been having breathing issues and decided to go to the hospital to get checked out when he was just east of Thunder Bay. They discovered his cancer had returned. He died 10 months later

His story is inspiring and heartbreaking. What an absolute champion of a human.

His family started the https://terryfox.org/ In his name. His mother actively spoke at schools across BC. Betty Fox was a flag bearer for the 2010 Olympics.

Terry Fox is an absolute legend.

I respect the hell out of this guy. Growing up in the 90s we always had the Terry Fox run.

Now, the other day, my 12yo said she heard if you don’t go to bed on time Terry Fox will come and take your leg…

NGL it makes me laugh. But I also defended my man. Kids gotta be putting respect on Terry’s name! Haha

What an inspiration!

I watched a movie about him in the 80’s that was in heavy rotation on cable television in the U.S.
I was about 9 years old when I watched it for the first time and I really liked this movie and his story. It was heavy stuff for a kid to comprehend but I was really inspired by his story.

We run every year in honour of Terry and everyone who is battling cancer, every survivor and everyone who has been impacted. We will run until Terry’s mission of finding a cure has been met.

What an amazing fighter and example

Wow… 🫡 just.. wow🫡❤️

Took “Race to the finish line” to a whole ‘nother level

He’s my favorite Canadian.

One of the Greatest Canadians who ever lived.

Greatest Canadian ever, no question. The GOAT.

For anyone outside of Canada—this guy is treated like Jesus in Canadian culture, and I only mean that in a lighthearted joking way. The work he did, the inspiration he provided—the man is a legend and deserves to have his legacy remembered for centuries to come. But yeah you’ll find some sort of shrine or mural dedicated to Terry Fox in nearly every elementary and high school in the country, with many schools holding yearly Terry Fox walks around the neighbourhood to raise money for charity and pay homage to the man himself.

It’s pretty nice for the kids as well, it’s a win-win because they get a day of solid exercise and they get to skip half, sometimes a full day of classes. RIP Terry Fox 🇨🇦

i’m no prosthesis expert but that leg looks like it is very much not meant for running, doesn’t even look comfortable to walk on. that is so fucking impressive. glad that we can get amputees better aids now.

Finished just outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario!



Never heard of this man. This is an amazing story.

A true national treasure. Just a human journey fighting for the bigger cause.

As someone who just ran a half marathon the other day and was limping around for 24 hours after I cannot fathom this, holy shit I remember reading the book as a kid but I never realized how big of a deal it was until now

What a fucking badass. Hope he’s at peace and his family found peace.

Put him on the money! What has King Charles done???

This guy is my hero. I wish I had done something as significant in my 52 years of life as he did with his 21 years.

Canadian hero 🇨🇦

Terry fox day at school i miss the good times ♥️

back in school every year we had to run cuz of this guy, no complains though respect

Terry Fox is a Canadian Icon who will never be forgotten

That’s hardcore. Very cool. Wish he had won that battle.

Always proud of Terry. It was amazing as it was happening and still amazing to this day.

Thank you Terry, from a proud Canadian.

Wow, what an amazing effort!

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