Tesla Sales Plunge through Europe

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Wait, Rio de Janeiro means January River?

Die Tesla die…

Spain REALLY doesn’t fuck with Nazis it seems.

Ah so it was a nazi salute *and* a prediction of the sales charts. Clever Elon.

Also he did the salute in mid january (?), so its like to get much worse in february.

Why Europeans don’t buy our cars?! It’s unfair! /s

Guess Elon did nazi this coming.

Also, Tesla’s sales dropped 66% in Finland.

you See, it wasn’t a nazi salute, he was showing the development of tesla sales in Europe

Fuck the Nazis.

Never again.

Still too high

We’re in the market for an electric vehicle. Tesla wasn’t even on the list. I know many people in our circle who refuse to buy Tesla.

Musk is a super genius that somehow just couldn’t figure out that a lot of people would have objections over his fascist politics and would gladly buy a competitor’s product that doesn’t come with that baggage.

It will even get worse for Swasticar, the Hitler salute was only end of January.

UK most fascist country in Europe confirmed.

Would never buy a Tesla because of Musk (the Cybertruck also = the worst looking vehicle ever).

What country is that? P. Baixos?

Tesla deliveries over one month is not a good metric. European teslas come either from Berlin or China.
Berlin has a smooth delivery schedule.
But china delivery is done in large batches and almost all deliveries of a quarter are done withing 1-2 weeks.

With this it is just too easy to get a missleading statistics.

Probably it have felt both because macro economics and because a latest Elon nazi move. But this statistics is most likely missleading.

Careful, he will come for you because apparently, to him, boycotting his shit is “illegal”.


Loser ass First Karen

I think part of the Tesla sales drop is because established auto makers with established repair networks are now making EVs that compete with Teslas.

Well… I’m shocked!!!

It is now the duty of every red blooded MAGA Republican to immediately run out and buy at least one Tesla!

Preferably multiples!!!

for those who need the english translation:
Alemanha = Germany

França = France

P. Baixos = The Netherlands

Reino Unido = The UK

Noruega = Norway

Espanha = Spain

Dinamarca = Denmark

Suécia = Sweden

haha loser

Good news

Keep it going!

No one should support this nazi bitch ! Especially Europe, nazi scums have caused so much suffering on this continent!

If you call Elon a Nazi (or even mention that he did the salute) on any of the Tesla subs you’ll immediately be permanently banned.

What country is the 3rd one?

What?! It’s almost like doing stupid crazy ass stuff is having consequences…

A tesla was parked behind me in Munich the other day. When I god into my car I stared at his tesla logo then up at him then at the logo reaaaally side eying him. The driver was in the car. Kidna really petty of me but idfc doing my slight part.

Those are rookie numbers. I wanna see zero sales lol.

No seriously, this is great. Keep em dropping yall.

It looks like UK and Norway are mostly ok with Elon Musk

You have to be an idiot to sit on the board of Tesla now and allow Musk, a 13% shareholder to continue killing this company as CEO.

Compared to European cars they are pretty shitty tbh. Plasticky feel inside

Unfortunately he still sells half a million cars in the US. I hope those numbers will drop too.

Americans envy the euro solidarity when it comes to issues like this. Here, people lick Trumps cum off musks boot in hopes of getting a big Mac

This has nothing to do with politics. It’s BYD dominating the market by offering much more affordable EVs

They are still selling many cars each days to nazis

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