When the universe finally throws you a bone in the form of a distracted teacher.
2 months ago
when u realize you didn’t study but luck’s on ur side
2 months ago
Teacher’s beloved topper: Teacher you supposed to take a test
2 months ago
Anyone else had the guy/girl in their class that reminded the teacher? There were a couple in mine during my 9 elementary school years. That shit will make a student ***hated***, lol.
“Teacher, aren’t you going to inspect our homework from yesterday?” before the class ends, every time the teacher could’ve forgotten.
My high school in a nutshell
like that’s ever gonna happen
When the universe finally throws you a bone in the form of a distracted teacher.
when u realize you didn’t study but luck’s on ur side
Teacher’s beloved topper: Teacher you supposed to take a test
Anyone else had the guy/girl in their class that reminded the teacher? There were a couple in mine during my 9 elementary school years. That shit will make a student ***hated***, lol.
“Teacher, aren’t you going to inspect our homework from yesterday?” before the class ends, every time the teacher could’ve forgotten.