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So there’s a trans man out there with one ball and one on layaway?

Trans date:

The inspection and disposal of my testes was a separately-billed item too, they were found to be “grossly unremarkable” and weighed 29g and 32g.

Imagine how that phone call went, though. “Hey, I know I’m new to the whole dick ‘n balls thing, but uh.. I’m pretty sure you’re only supposed to have two.”

“ope, shit, that one wasn’t a testicle, sorry about that!”

They acceded to this non-believer in 3 balls, can’t believe they’re still out there smh.

“testicle refund” Brand new sentence??

A mathematician would say they removed three balls, so you had -1 balls, so they had to add one back to get you to 0.

I got a two for one deal on my nipples. Insurance didn’t want to cover my nipples at all, but my surgeons fought hard. They even had a peer-to-peer about my nipples. In the end insurance won, but the hospital gave me a 50% discount on the total cost of my nipples, which would have been 4K had they not reduced it to 2K. I put that charge on a payment plan and paid off my nips over a year or so.

Itemizing by left and right ball does make sense, since people get singular testicles removed for non-gender reasons and it’s easier than having a separate item for “both balls removed”. The questions I have are twofold: one, did OP’s bill have two right and one left ball removals, two left and one right, or a secret middle ball removal; two, I am pleasantly surprised that ball removal costs less than 2 AAA video games. I assume since OOP got an itemized bill the total costs were higher (anesthesia, etc) or that 116 dollar charge was the copay for said 3rd testicle removal. (Also did find out that having 3, or occasionally more, balls is possible and is called polyorchidism).

nine toes (also has three balls)

I have 3 due to being intersex. Wonder if they’ll make me pay extra once I get them all cut off.

It’s only $116.20 per ball? Shit, I’m a cis man but at that price I might snag me a third ball

One testicle shy of a JoJo reference…

When i got my tits removed (for gender affirming reasons), the doctors had to mark on my chest with an X that both of them were coming off. Like ma’am. This is top surgery. Does anyone come in and say “I want one pec and one DD please”????

“Fuck it we ball”

I was going to make a JoJo’s reference, but that’s four, not three.

They put a price on a human ball

Dark Souls Text: Testicles Refunded

What does Trans Date mean here? /s

edit: Added /s due to comments thinking I was serious. I guess my dead pan worked. I was really hoping for something along the lines of “Transition Date”, “They will be a good Trans Date”, or “Yes Please”.


Having multiple balls is a JoJ-

Now that’s one heck of an error!

A nut is only worth $116 and some change? Damn.


The dark comedy will continue long after the procedures.

“John Brinkley has entered the chat”

[The doctor in question]comment image) thought it was normal.

That was ballsy of them. I’ll see myself out.

I love the idea of two doctors reading the latest medical literature.

‘Hay it say here people only have two testicles.’

‘Then what the fuck have I been cutting off trans women all this time? I also owe that woman a hundred dollars’

A testicle is only 116$🤣

Congratulations on becoming a man . Ur gonna fucked way more . And not be things ur gonna like 🥹 did we mention . Ur feelings don’t matter to women anymore 🤣 …THEY WILL FREAK OUT IF U START CRYING. 😂🫡😅🤣

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