Texans vs The World v2.0

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What? A chap can’t wear a snazzy hat, and jacket, with some nice boots and eat his lunch in peace?

Don’t post pictures of random people minding their business in public man. Weirdo

So you take a picture of a random dude in public minding his own business and use ai to mock the guy. That’s low even for reddit. You combine both being a scumbag mocking some complete stranger in public like this is a middle school cafeteria with a very shitty ai image.

I know redditors are cretins but this is a new low

im a texan, but even the guy below doesn’t look that bad, but bad still.

When your cowboy soul meets the harsh reality of airport free WiFi.

I thought I was on the NFL meme sub for a second

How to survive the frontier: easy. How to survive a layover: impossible

Why did I think of Houston Texans?

Let the man eat his Ruffles in peace

Reddit just cannot physically leave guys that are minding their own business alone

Nice try Tennesseans, we know that’s you

He’s either a city Texan or not a Texan given his pants choice and his hat doesn’t look the way most people’s out here look. That being said don’t take pictures of people in the airport, he likely didn’t consent to the picture

Cowboy ready to tame buffaloes, but not the Starbucks line

When you were gonna conquer the West but the layover conquered you first

Za warudo ?

The diet Dr Pepper is so accurate

But seriously. Airport guy’s looking better than the majority of Texans

Thought the guy on the top was Heath Ledger’s *Brokeback Mountain* character.

i hope they beat the crap out of the chiefs

Thanks, now I can finally understand the meme! It was unclear before.

Me me me me more cowboy than you

Holy hell, friends. I didn’t realize that using AI to illustrate an idea for part of a meme was so utterly offensive.

Hope this rectifies that egregious wrong!

Lol ! Poor texans’s reality got exposed

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