Texas Passes Law Blocking Loving Families

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Is this real? You have to be christian to adopt? What is the world coming to?

So when the enforced-birthers start going down the “birth them and put them up for adoption” line, there is further proof it really is just about the birthing, not the adoption.

Isn’t this unconstitutional?

conservatives do not care about kids or who is going to adopt some rape spawn, they only care about controlling women’s autonomy.

If the goal was to solve nothing and make things worse, mission accomplished.

It’s almost like they care more about the Christian indoctrination than they care about the kid’s well-being. Almost.

The Pro Life Party

Project 2025 y’all. You were warned

They’ll define non-Christian broadly to include Catholics, Orthodox, Coptics, Nestorians, and most Protestants.

Yet more proof that republicans don’t actually give a shit about the wellbeing of children.


No such thing as “harmless” religion

I think this is a direct violation of thr First Amendment, ‘the Separation of Church and State.’ You cannot discriminate against a person, based on religion, (or for the absence of religion).

As a mellow Christian, I’ve witnessed the happiest adopted children ever, in so many types of environments, like a same-sex female couple, many atheist and agnostic couples, Muslim couples, a non-Christian single father home, etc. This is such hogwash!

So pro-life.

Land of the free?

But, which brand of Christianity is ok? Lutheran? Mormon? Methodist? Amish? SBC? Baptist? Catholic? Anglican? Presbyterian?

Forbidding someone from adopting because they aren’t Christian would be against the constitution where I live. Literally, artikel 3 paragraph 3 of the german constitution forbids discrimination due to religion. And I don’t know what else this is.

Edit: Not saying the german constitution applies everywhere, but especially the first couple articles should be common sense.

Republicans are a cancer on society

I guess all those abandoned babies aren’t a concern… and it’s certainly not happening at an alarming rate</s>

[Multiple babies found abandoned last month in Houston: ‘It’s heartbreaking’](https://abc13.com/post/3-abandoned-babies-found-houston-last-month-could/15090803/)

AFAIK that was 2017?

I mean, it is good to remember, but it is old. Or was it rejected and now they are pushing it again?

Cruelty is the point. They hate anything that isn’t white, Christian and American until trump says otherwise. They just love the fact that a white man can act like an unrepentant asshole with no consequences and hope that he’ll make it like that for them. We live in a country of millions of would be kings who only need an emperor to make it better for them!

Well adjusted kids from loving homes don’t fill prison labor camps.

We should have let the South go when we had the chance.

Discrimination over religion…sounds like a lawsuit

Dumpsters don’t discriminate

It was one thing to read almost all of the 900 pages of bs the heritage foundation wrote. It’s devastating to see in real time. It’s been 74 days since the election.

Omg and non Christian? Wtf???

Prioritizing judgment over love great job, Texas.

Gotta make sure the pedos keep getting their supply

The cruelty is the point

But remember, no abortion because you can just put them up for adoption. That’s certainly not traumatizing at all, especially when many of those kids will now never be adopted

Project 2025!

Handmaid’s Tale.

What that fuck is working with these maga clowns?

They only care about kids in the womb…. once they’re out, they’re on their own

As expected, it started with gay people, and then spread to heterosexual couples as well. Damn, even non-Christian hetero couples, what the fuck. I wonder if they will later define would “Christian” is. Are Catholics christian? Are Orthodox Christians Christian? Are Mormons Christian?
Day by day they become more insane

Texas sucks.

wE cOnSeRvAtIvEs ArE tHe OnEs PrOtEcTiNg ChIlDrEn

How else will they die at war for Greenland’s resources?

Most chomos are religious, or were sexually abused by a chomo. Chomos always blame others for their own sins i.e. raping children.

So if you want to reduce chomo stats? Reduce number of christian adoptees. It’s cruel math, but YT christians are statistically more likely to chomo your kid.

But I thought it was all about the children?

Well I didn’t think Idiocracy would happen in my lifetime

Why would adoption agencies want to not adopt out kids and leave them in the system?

IDK, anything is better than existing among texans, which under no circumstances can be defined as “livin'”

The real stupidity of this is that all those in favor of this will never even consider adoption.

But God forbid we support the consequences of forced births.

*sigh* there are no more clever comebacks in this subreddit

What’s funny is that there are plenty of gay people who are from heterosexual relationships…saying that being around gay parents makes you gay but how did the gay parents grow up and where did they come from???

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