Texas Teacher Controversy…

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Is d*xxing a weasel who narcs out school kids a bad thing?

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> I have many students who don’t even speak English

Fucking *teach* them then?

Sounds like someone who shouldn’t be a teacher at all.

A substitute no less. What a piece of shit.

edit: Jason Buchanan of FT Worth is his name.

Maga sux

What an evil scum of a human being

Doesn’t help that we’re being restricted from speaking about it in some places. The government isn’t ordering them to do it, at least not through official legislation or even executive order, yet. Still the media companies clamming up and banning people for speaking out are clearly doing it to curry favor with the Trump regime.

Modern day Mccarthyism, hell yeah. USA! USA! USA!

Welcome to Dumbfukistan – tRumptards. People gettin sized for brown shirts.

What a piece of shit

These are the same people that talk about how awful the soviet union must have been – turning neighbors and family against each other.

Someone should teach them English. Someone we’d give a job discription to reflect this task. Perhaps, a teacher?

I don’t have words for that, so I’ll say I hope this comes back to him times three.

These scumbags want to plant land mines along the border for kids, old ladies, and families to blow themselves up. MAGA is a basket of cruelty and in humanity.

Texas teachers are judged on how well their students do on standardized tests. I bet he’s an English teacher.

Everybody loves snitches I guess

Someone being an intolerant dickhead is a controversy now?  Our country is currently run by intolerant dickheads voted in by intolerant dickheads.

History repeating, unsettling echoes.

I’ve taught chemistry at a high school where some of my students could barely speak English. And those kids struggled to make it to school and get an education. Istg I’d probably physically fight ICE if they came into my classroom. But I guess I’m built differently.

Yes. If only there some historical examples (*Soviet Union, China, Argentina, El Salvador, etc.*) we could learn from /s


What else is mew?

I hear my Filipinos would turn on each other the moment they hear you are in hiding. Heck, even if you are not in hiding, just for the funsies.

Such a telling day for such activities.

Get ready for it!

A teacher. Shameful.

My opening discussion for 36 years was telling the students that my main job was to keep them safe. Fuck that guy. Dox away.

The crazy thing is that Stalin pretty much engineered his megalomania from the ground up. He started as a nobody in the community party and evolved into a God like figure who children were willing to rat on their parents for. Wild stuff.

[serious] How did the teacher think he’d be able to get away with a comment like this?

This is America mask off, this has always been in a lot of Americans’ spirit to be this evil…some of y’all parents and grandparents were just hanging black people not too long ago

So anyway does anyone have the info on that person? Asking for a friend

The Hitlerjugend were stimulated to report even their parents if they did not support Nazism.

People are just going to watch this 4th reich happen while making witty comments.

2 years from now:

“Just trying to think of another moment in history when they got rid of all the handicapped people!” (1500 likes)

Sounds like a Nazi that needs a punching

Remember kids: everyone that says they are not nazis… is a nazi, or an accomplice.

This is not a drill.

Selling out kids you are supposed to take care of is definitely a choice. I bet he gets mad when he loses friends over this and somehow blames it on Biden or wokeness.

This guy should have his credentials taken away.

Now there’s someone who is first out the door if a school shooter turns up.

So these are the people that are “protecting the children”, huh?

I am a white male and I just went to buy an AR last night because of Trump and his cronies. I wont be caught off guard.

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