tfw you learn about jury nullification

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If his attorney takes him trial riding on jury nullification, reddit is going to be extremely disappointed in the outcome.

Why is he wearing a bullet proof vest in a courtroom? Genuinely curious.

This man cannot take a bad picture. It’s uncanny.

I don’t think a jury can be seated in New York who will ALL acquit, but I also don’t think a jury can be seated who will all convict. This is going to be interesting

I want to see this guy walk away scot-free, only because I want to know what happens next.


I love how the term jury nullification is rising on Google trend

The only reason he wears the bulletproof vest is to protect him from the police “getting scared.”

I’m curious if you can explain what jury nullification is?

See i know thats how it works in canada. But i thought in the states jury nullification was when the judge overruled the jury.

Replacement for the Obama “not bad” meme ?

We were hanging out playing Pokémon i don’t know what this is all about

I got a reddit warning just for having those words in a comment. Just those 2 magic words are “inciting violence” supposedly

Damn thats a nice haircut

I learned about jury nullification when Matt Orchard did a video about that piece of shit Darrell Brooks, the guy who ran over that Christmas parade.

All jokes aside he’s kinda hot tho

I’ve nullified before. I’d be ecstatic to do it again for Luigi. Even my husband is on board. He’s never had the chance to nullify. But I bet he’d nullify the fuck out of this one.

He’s so hot omfg

According to his lawyer the Lots of high ranking people were giving interviews and talking about evidence that was not given to the defense so….

He must’ve seen a cancer patient in the jury

Because Trump is friends with all these rich CEO’s etc I’m sure hes being pressured by them to send a message to the public with Luigi. They dont want any other Luigis getting any ideas.

Today I learned what TFW means.

Free Luigi

I know we all want to see him walk free and everyone here is talking about jury nullification, but I don’t see it happing in the real world.

I’m still hoping though…

His facial expressions crack me up

My man!!


Free Luigi!

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