Thai king in crop top. Owning or sharing this pic in Thailand can land you in jail for upto 15 years

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Imagine opening Reddit and getting this witnessed by their secret service agent while traveling there

It’s not the T shirt that bothers me, but the down-among-the-pubes jeans really do. Visible asscrack in back. He looks like a meth tweaker. It’s really very sad.

Is this the Thai king in a crop top, wearing a flip flop, getting in a drop top, door held by a top cop?

The Emperor really has no clothes…

Are you going to jail, op?

why was he wearing this one? Did he lost a bet?

“Do as I say, not as I do.” says the king.

A few more fun facts:

The tattoos you see are fake press-ons, he rarely goes to Thailand and lives in Bavaria, and his pet poodle was appointed as chief air Marshall in the Thai Air Force. 

He looks like his date stole his clothes and left hers behind 🤣

looks more like a prison queen to me


Putin has the same pic of Trump.

them jeans is too low cut, and the “crop top” is a sports bra.

Why is owning this photo a bad thing in Thailand? I mean, is it because you’re not supposed to have photographs of royalty (kind of like Mohammed in Islam) or is it just because the photo would be interpreted as unflattering, e.g., because of the crop-top?

Crop top is one thing.

It’s the pants. Those are “fuck me daddy” pants.

[It’s called fashion sweetie look it up]comment image?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c495876af5a7fa00c62df7f814af213f1689e0be)

This is from 7+ years ago, by the way.

The inspiration for Sam Rockwell’s character’s monologue from last week’s White Lotus episode.

I wonder which stage of enlightenment the King is at?

He looks like Butch just saved him from Zeds basement.

But why is he dressed like this?

The sandals brings it all together

Fascinating cause pictures of him in Royal clothes are ALL OVER THAILAND, especially Bangkok, by roads, buildings, billboard, intersections, palaces, gov buildings, just EVERYWHERE, Kim Jong Un type vibes.
We referred to him as the Casino King when on holiday

🎶One night in Bangkok and the worlds your oyster, just don’t share pictures of crop top king

There’s a good chance that sometime in the future in the US, they’ll allow people to be jailed for criticizing other dictators, too.

that belt is not achieving its intended purpose.

How unbelievably embarrassing for the Thai people.

He’s not well liked there and is mocked behind closed doors. People know exactly what he’s like. Only uber-royalists care, but it’s true you could very well end up in jail if one reports you.

Honestly the sandals may be the worst part.

How undignifying.

On his way to get more Teevas

Charming guy, won one of his divorces by the honorable tactic of it being illegal so say something negative about the king so his wife could not say anything basically.

Real man of the people…

Those sandals are the most egregious part of this picture tbh

Excluding the circumstances, that’s a cool arm tattoo.

My cousin lives there. Sent it to him for lulz.

What’s the source for “lands you in jail”?

Well, I know now what I’ll be beating off to tonight.

WHO ist this mf

Well at least he doesn’t have his dick out

good thing I’m not in Thailand

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