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There will be a new CEO before he is even buried. Multi billion dollar companies donโ€™t care about lives. Including those operating the company

No one knows this guy case closed.

Lisan Al Gaib!

The situation is crazy because Iโ€™m against murder as I think everyone else is or should be, however people like him need to be afraid to do the scum shit they do for profit. People paying into health insurance are doing the right thing, the healthy support the sick (itโ€™s not that simple I know thereโ€™s more steps but thatโ€™s the concept). So when you end up on the sick side and the people youโ€™ve been paying for years decide not to pay out and rake in record profits year after year. Eventually this happens. Now I donโ€™t want anyone else to die but I live in an age where children have to be scared to go to school so as a plea to all people considering going to a theater or school to do something to kids and other innocent people, please donโ€™t, do something like this instead.


He did it the American way

I donโ€™t think this is going to change anything lmao. Everyone is so naive

Hey OP, when your dad gets murdered let’s see you post this of his killer.

You may not like him, but he was a father and a husband and his family are devastated. OP and everyone cheering the cold blooded murder are AHs.
People celebrating this suck as humans.

Redditors think they are moral gods. The reality is they just fully believe their bloodlust is virtuous.

Is he the suspect in Brian Thompson’s murder? just a genuine question

These post are taking over this sub

No favor was done. The insurance company will keep chugging along doing what they were already doing.

Dark brotherhood strikes again

Murder is real. Asshole


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