Thank you for your service Steve

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GN team is really REALLY PISSED.
Can’t appreciate them enough for ACTUALLY knowing who they’re working with as well as what they’re posting and checking and comparing 20 times to ensure us costumers are safe from cooperate greed and scams.
Unlike lost of other creators who just take the money from sponsors and roll with it.
Very rare these days.
Thank you GamersNexus.

They sure did a good job of bringing this to light.

I thought about creating a computer rental/subscription service back in 2020 where people would just get new builds every 4-5 years automatically, but it isn’t economically feasible with the risks involved for a business without charging waaay more than it is worth to the consumers. With credit risks, insurance risks, support needs, etc, it just isn’t a viable business model IMO.

NZXT clearly didn’t do the math here, or they did and they just didn’t care.

Ars Technica wrote about this a few months ago:

Not as in-depth as the GN video, but already highlights some of the worse parts.

Gonna need to buy more t-shirts now that he’s losing more ad money.

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Well shit, NZXT was my go to recommendation for pre-builts… Now I gotta look into what others have decent builds

Gamers Nexus and Louis Rossman is the savior of tech user.

Gamers Nexus saved me a lot of money and headache exposing shady corporations and defective products. Imagine buying a self combusting NZXZ case with an exploding gigabyte power supply.

Jay gonna be unsponsoring a sponsor soon.

when NZXT joins WEF’s “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” plan for everyone for the whole world….

good thing i’m never with NZXT branding… i find their offering wallet-kun suffering inducing cost.

Steve’s out here defusing anti-consumer landmines like it’s his day job. Absolute legend.

Yeah, they’ve certainly put in work trying to help us out.

Tech Jesus strikes again. Get PC’d

Truly, Tech Jesus.

“NZXT Flex rental computer program”

im sorry

# What?

Thanks steve

Actual journalistic integrity the likes has not been seen by common media in 25 years at least.

I love you Steve

Jesus… And this after I built a brand new PC using nothing but MSI and NZXT products in a Phanteks case lol.

Honestly tho, I’ve had nothing but good CS from NZXT so this is very shocking news.

I’m out of the loop, what happened with GN and NZXT?

Can someone give me the TLDR?

at least I can still get nzxt cases right ;-; I guess those are safe

My dudes! Fair play to them.

Meme needs updating* Steve’s long hair should be the shield haha

And I’ll never sleep a wink again in life knowing that while I’m sleeping you’re being emoliated and crucified over my bed. Got to be careful with that masochistic lifestyle Steve.

At the beginning I thought “well this is just bad pricing, why are they so pissed” but hell, it got exponentially wilder (just like nzxts rates)

at the start of the video I was willing to give NZXT a pass as I thought they were selling what essentially would be an installment based ‘buy a PC’ and the worst part was maybe going to be not so amazing prices, but oh man after watching the video I couldn’t believe it, the cost, the fact you never can own it and even worse the way they are marketing to kids “hey maybe you could get it for 1 month and win a fortnite tourney then buy a proper pc!” is so fucking scummy

If all consumers behaved more like gamers nexus the world would be a much better place.

For those that have not seen the video yet, I highly recommend it. It’s an hour long but it’s great and he even has his lawyer there to go over contract language.


Fuck NZXT!

Can I purchase some GN merchandise to support our lord and saviour?

Well done GN, they really have been consistent on their output. Its admireable

I’ll be throwing my Nzxt case in the trash. Have had it for 3 years but fuck them

Impressive site and work

The investigation I want to see is looking into all those influencers shilling this.

These braindead, hype-beast, con-artists don’t have 2 braincells combined to rub together. They all blindly parrot the talking points and enrich themselves. Yet they have no fucking clue, and think they are smart and successful. Useful idiots.

A couple need massive fines or jail time, I am so sick of the hero worship of empty narcissists.

Let’s queue up some Christmas gifts for our friends from the GN shop.

Doing God’s work.

Oh shit, wtf NZXT do?

Gamers truly do nexus

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