Thank you Mr. President!

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He knows he isn’t president yet… right?

Like I said trump is the guy who does nothing and takes credit for the whole assignment

Can someone please program his phone so he can’t use caps lock?

Trump hasn’t done a fucking thing. He is riding the coattails of those before him. Taking credit for shit he didn’t do.

Says the man who has zero power until Monday.

When Americans are suffering, Trump’s response is “I don’t take responsibility at all.” When things are good, “It’s all thanks to me.”


That fucker tries to take credit for so many things he had nothing to do with. He claims he signed the Veterans Care Act (Obama did it) he claims he capped insulin prices (Biden did it) when he was Prez he twice claimed he built sections of the wall that he did not.

Trumpers and News is already saying Trump got the deal done.

I hate The States I really do.

So he is confessing to a crime?

Not that that matters in the modern usa.

Yet another day of…. Fuck trump and every single person who voted for him. 👍 Fucking deplorables.

Sorry trump your not president you don’t get to take this credit. Nice try orange shit

The most brazen twat to ever walk the earth, yet somehow MILLIONS of people can’t see it. A walking lie, with bonus bigotry and fascism to boot. I suspect he doesn’t have a single belief or idea in his head, just a gift for saying what he thinks morons want to hear.

Biden was doubtlessly asleep

Wake up

Working his ass off trying to get it? Pretty sure he’s been supplying weapons to them for over a year and playing their indiscriminate destruction of Gaza.

It’s Reagan, Carter, and the Iran hostages all over again. Except that Reagan was at least smart enough to only take credit for a deal executed *after* he was sworn in.

Like clockwork he’s taking credit

Trump to busy being a pussy

Just occurred to me that you have to press caps twice on a mobile keyboard. Once is considered shift. So he uses the caps on purpose. Maybe old people do just use it to read better.

Trump though was instrumental in getting Netanyahu to agree to this deal.  I didn’t think Trump would do this but he did. 

I can share the details here:

This was the same deal basically that has been on the table since spring 2024 but Netanyahu was unwilling to take it.  And Biden was unwilling to force Netanyahu to take it as well, treating Netanyahu with kid gloves.  See here how Netanyahu was purposely undermining ceasefire deals:

Trump then came in and told Netanyahu to take the deal or else and that worked.  Details here:

So yeah Trump deserves a lot of credit for this. 

Wasn’t there ceasefire during Trumps administration that escalated when Biden was in power. And now Trump promised that there would be ceasefire first day he is in office 0o?

I also remember that Trump pushed for Vaccines and Border closure while in power. People called hum racist and that you should not take Trumps vaccine, but the table turned when Biden von election.

I think reddit is just Trolling at this point.

Biden and Blinken have been working on this for months. Longer. Trump was hoping to make an announcement so he could do to Biden what Reagan did to Carter. Trump had nothing to do with any of this. It’s all his usual posturing BS.

No, I say let him take this one! It’s already devolving.

He said thank you. Which means he is thanking Biden.

Yeah, Biden was totally working his ass off 😆😅🤣😂🤦🏼‍♂️

ReTruths lmao what is this joke of a site

Biden kept sending weapons for Isreal to bomb children, and on the last day, after Gaza is flat and the last hospital is gone, he claims he stopped them? You guys are a cult.

Biden is still the president….but I’m not sure he has know that for some time.

Sociopathic narcissist takes credit for everything. What else is new?

Has this guy been watching Biden for the last four years? He was so bad, his own party kicked him out. Come on, there’s no way people really believe this right? For the record, everyone is kind of going after Newsom right now, and it’s he deserves it.

Someone is stupid enough to still believe that Biden is “working his ass off”. On anything? Dude you haven’t been awake the last year or something?

This is from Haaretz. It was Trump Middle East envoy Witkoff who forced the deal.

The article is behind a paywall but the TL;DR is Witkoff was in Qatar, called Israel on Friday and told them he’d be arriving the following day to talk with the PM. Israel responded by saying it’s Shabbath and that the PM doesn’t work nor is he in his office. Witkoff told them that Shabbath meant nothing to him and that he was arriving as planned. That forced the PM to go into his office for the meeting where he was basically strong armed into accepting the deal.

I would ask what the hell he thinks he’s doing but I already know. 🙄

I made the absolutely abysmal mistake of going to r/conservative to see what those backwards-ass cretins had to say about this.

It’s more fucking backwards than you can possibly imagine. How is this world even real?

biden was working his ass off lmao. like he didn’t spent the past year being Nazinyahu’s doormat.

in 1982 Raegan stopped israelis with **one phone call**

did it take grandpa Joe 15 months to remember how to use a phone?

Biden was working for it? Do people realize this is humiliating for him? Nobody ends the slaughter with a wave of the hand at the end….. showing they could have done it all along.

His admin is scrambling right now to cover their asses.

When people do good, say they do good. It encourages more good.

Biden can’t even change his own diaper or find his office, and you want people to believe he negotiated a deal?

Even the Bots here are hilarious.

Don’t you have some vicious squirrels to chase or fake felonies to invent?


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