Thanks champ

By Deonzy
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Emotional Damage!. ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10754)


Who’s really the winner

Nah, too obvious, better saying…

“*oh, well this is awkward. Just tell her the tests came back positive at the clinic. She’ll know what that means. Good luck*”.

More mystery, more fear.


Goodbye champ

My great grandma sent me a similar chain email when I got my first hotmail account


Do peoples boyfriends actually respond to this kinda stuff?

My girlfriend and I never feel a need to go through each others phones and tell each other when we get texts from thirsty people. Usually we ghost em and laugh lol


Calm down Magic Johnson

Would be more effective if it was Syphilis.

Is this an Instagram comment section?


Bro after a few years:

that escalated quickly talk about a plot twist

As an older millennial, this maybe could’ve, perhaps, possibly, might’ve happened. But unless this screenshot is from like 2010, fake.

If there was ever a mic drop, this was it, holy shhhh!


Still got laid

The epitome of thinking on your feet. I’m 100% sure that is not what he originally intended to say. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

If this is real that’s definitely her texting lol


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Yes, this happened. Definitely

This is how 11-year-olds think adults talk.

cofbw– couldn’t have said it better myself

Totally fucken worth it woooooo!!!! Man that played out perfect. Each shit champ

Forward this to all of your contacts or your crush will never love you.


comment image



Was this man seriously about to let his ex know he has HIV by sending her a “gotta tell u something” text in the middle of the night? BS he was trying to smash and said that to f with the guy hahaha

Thats guna leave a mark

There are no winners here

Something like, ‘Welcome to the club’ would also be nice.

i feel like , thats definetly , sarah’s female bestie ,

Ahhh, the classic “I’m currently the new relationship, so I’m much better”..

Until you know

winners win

Just think this was the actual thing he wanted to say! >.>



Not sure who the loser is?
Baby boy also dying


Call the police!

Call the police!

Not for me;)

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