Thanks for the surprise

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I loved cartoons when I was a kid, so one Saturday morning when the cartons wasn’t on the tv I got upset and woke up my sleeping mother and told her they were only talking about some old man that had been shot and killed.

It turned out the old man was my countries prime minister, who often ate dinner at a restaurant where my mother worked as a waitress and his table was in her section.
He had the table booked later that day and my mother had been looking forward to working that evening.

This definitely happened

The news was on every TV in America that day.

Absolute bullshit

Yeah everyone knew that 9/11 was happening by the time the second plane hit. Nobody just accidently turned that one. If you’re old enough to remember it and you weren’t in daycare when the second plane hit. You were in regular school.

As a kid I loved the news. I think it just contributed to my anxiety as an adult tho lol

Who is at daycare on a Tuesday morning during school hours?

I liked watching dateline and 20/20 as a kid but I absolutely loved cartoons. Even more as an adult I appreciate animation on multiple levels.

I believe a kid could dislike cartoons (i loved em but also always asked to stay up and “watch Dave” – David letterman – for some reason)

I do not believe a daycare – implying children who are 8 and under/can’t be left without an adult at all – would make all the children watch the NEWS – violent, graphic, scary, or boring – at all, let alone on the whim of a single child

Half a mil karma in 246 days? Nothing sus about that

I’ve never heard of a daycare having cartoons on, but what do I know?

I don’t believe her but it did make me chuckle

How very make it about yourself. 😒

9/11 was my first day of school.

It’s pretty surreal to remember. I live in Germany, but it made the news here pretty quickly, while it was still happening.

I remember coming home from school with my parents (grandparents were visiting to celebrate, too), and all the adults huddled around the radio in the kitchen.
Later I was unpacking my Schultüte (giant goodie bag for first years, full of sweets and small gifts) on the living room floor – while watching the towers fall on TV, as my parents kept checking into the news periodically.

It’s a Dali-esque memory experience.

As I kid I hated 9/11 so my teacher said “Fine we’ll watch Spongebob.” And that’s the story of Columbine.

Bravo!! Way to come to terms with it.

I was a senior in HS taking an advanced college English writting class before regular classes began known as zero hour. Our morning routine was to watch the news and write an essay on what we watched. The news lady was interviewing firemen when they started talking about being able to possibly see a plane over down town Manhattan and the camera panned up to see the first plane hit.

We never left that class. I can still go right back there with all my classmates and feel all of the horrors wash away our childhoods.

School let out. We never left the classroom. Coach called all of our parents. Some of them came to the room. We watched it all. Till the sun went down and the sound of the beeping was all you could hear. We lost our innocence and our nievity that day.

Thanks for the surprise.

I never know how to feel about these jokes. I was 17 and had just seen Fight Club on VHS so my initial reaction to what I saw on television was a weird kinda laughter, like the movie came true. I don’t usually bring that up at dinner parties.

On the one hand, these jokes still make my butt pucker a little, on the other hand I just laugh it away like, oh you kids.

It’s a weird one. I *have* a sense of humor about 9/11, as fucked up of a sentence as that is to type out, but it’s also the most fucked up thing I’ve ever watched live on television.

Postscript, I was bartending at a sports bar on the night we killed Osama. It was like a slow Tuesday or something, but we had 40 televisions.

The first person who walked in and asked to change the channel to the news because Osama bin Laden was dead, I actually told them No. There’s someone out there today who must still think that I’m the crazy person. But don’t just walk into a bar and tell the bartender to change the channel from mid-season hockey or whatever, to the death of Osama bin Laden. I was confused. They left, ten minutes later, every TV was set on the news.

And the bar filled up with people watching. There was a cheer here and there, but it was actually very quiet. It wasn’t a celebration. It was strange. No one bought shit and I didn’t ask, but I did pass out a round of shots for the bar.

It was as weird as staying home sick on the day that OJ Simpson was acquitted. Saw that one too. It’s honestly difficult for me to seperate my perception of our History from Television.

I thought the teletubbies were responsible for this because that’s what was supposed to be on at the time in uk

I’ll take That Happened for $200 Alex

Surprisingly I have a similar story. I was little and was watching spongebob one morning at home, I left to use the restroom, and came back and was horrified at what was happening on Spongebob. It wasn’t Spongebob, it was 9/11, but my dumbass had no idea, I figured Squidward had finally had enough.

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