Thanks, Grok

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nigga wrote that like hes Tony Stark.

Unfortunately, propaganda is more powerful than facts right now.

I look forward to fElon saying Grok was fed liberal propaganda and that’s why he’s stating a pesky thing like facts.

You mean fElon didn’t program Grok to be biased?


No no, trickle down will work, we just need to keep waiting.

Well this is going to get taken out soon. And replace with some propaganda.

So how long before Eeeeeeloooooonnnnnn sends grok to a conversion camp?

R knows all these facts to be true, and it makes them angry. They know that the data supports leftist, Democratic policies. They have been watching the world progress towards more socially aware policies of equity over hundreds of years.

What they want is for all that to be disregarded. Conservatism always imagines the past to be better because that’s when they had more power. They want to make a world that denies that reality has a liberal bias.

The upper classes need their supremacy justified. They want a world where their bigoted worldviews are supported by institutions to maintain their positions of power.

R brings together a dangerous coalition of supremacists: religious, racial, and wealth. Each has a different claim on why they are better, but all share in their disdain of our nation’s core belief: all are created equal.

If anything, this is a call for direct action and community service. Agitate, educate, and organize. There is power in a band of working folk when we stand together and unionize. The politicians aren’t helping us. We gotta start taking part in helping the people around us. I ain’t tryna be too preachy. Any act that helps out the folks around you, no matter how small, will make this mean ol world slightly better.

Shit, I didn’t need Grok to tell me what I already knew.

Damn, Grok must have used sass.exe


Grok from the top rope!

That’s the thing about numbers, they don’t lie. But humans lie on numbers all the time!

Elon about to fire Grok

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Everyone here probably wouldn’t like what else Grok has to say…

What is Grok? Is it like Shrek? Or is it like Rock?

30 year Treasury bonds from Reagan at about 10 to 15% and they got the nerve to say do it again. We can’t pay for Reagan, today.

Unfortunately the question was in the past 30 years but gronk pulled data from the past 80 years

Alex Cole is certified blue maga

Y’all both parties are terrible, idk what people expect when we have a duopolist political system. It’s the same principle as a monopoly in the “free” market. Republicans are designed to tear things down, democrats rebuild but not to the same extent as before. R= 2 steps back, D= 1 step forward. Simple math really. That’s why material conditions have been declining for decades, and part of the reason people voted for Trump. Even though he’s terrible for the current status quo and a moron, people chose to let our system burn than continue our agonizing slow death as a nation under two apathetic parties bought out by superPACS and the ultra wealthy. Hopefully we can align under a different party that ACTUALLY cares about common people and bring us up to the standards of the rest of the developed world.

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