Well shit, now they’re gonna hit our boi Luigi with market manipulation charges.
2 months ago
Fuck shareholder value.
What I want to hear is
United Health refused 0% of claims deemed medically necessary by the primary health provider.
2 months ago
Dude should be president. Can’t be worse than the orange shit stain and his incredibly narcissistic boss.
2 months ago
Wait… So… CEOs are like the loot thief gnome in Golden Axe?
You kick one, then a bunch of money falls out of the company?
2 months ago

2 months ago
2 months ago
Let’s start making this tradition!!
2 months ago
We should open a GoFundMe for UHG. We can pull together all of our hard earned in dollars so the Andrew can get his yearly yacht. (/s …. Probably not needed at this point)
Just looking at the chain of events here,
1. UnitedHealth CEO is assassinated by someone with a grievance against the profit-driven denial of care by the company he led.
2. UnitedHealth stock plunges by nearly 15%.
3. The new CEO goes public with a call for “healthcare reform.”
Even assuming that the new CEO’s “healthcare reform” is just a desperate and terrified ploy to get out ahead of calls for *actual* healthcare reform, which might actually threaten his industry and paycheck, I can’t imagine that 3. would have happened without 2., and that 1. didn’t lead to 2.
In other words, 1. got us to 3., and if we keep up the pressure, we might actually get 4., real reform of our predatory healthcare system in which insurers make their money by standing between people and the medical care they need. But it seems like 1. sure works pretty well when so little has before.
2 months ago
WorkReform, stop.
I can only get so hard.
2 months ago

2 months ago

2 months ago
The dildo of consequence often arrives unlubed.
2 months ago
They’ll regain it next year. It’s the same story I’ve and over again. Suffer short term financial consequences until the public forgets about it.
2 months ago
It just means they have to deny more claims so they can start buying their own stock back. This is how CEO’s get bonuses.
You mean “Thanks Luigi _Allegedly_”
Well shit, now they’re gonna hit our boi Luigi with market manipulation charges.
Fuck shareholder value.
What I want to hear is
United Health refused 0% of claims deemed medically necessary by the primary health provider.
Dude should be president. Can’t be worse than the orange shit stain and his incredibly narcissistic boss.
Wait… So… CEOs are like the loot thief gnome in Golden Axe?
You kick one, then a bunch of money falls out of the company?

Let’s start making this tradition!!
We should open a GoFundMe for UHG. We can pull together all of our hard earned in dollars so the Andrew can get his yearly yacht. (/s …. Probably not needed at this point)
UnitedHealth Shares Plunge After CEO’s Murder Prompts Fury at Health Honchos https://finance.yahoo.com/news/unitedhealth-shares-plunge-ceo-murder-213633926.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAECH84o5JX-fCwdYpmZnzJYkidFWh9XZlCc-V4YEiopMQWTiiTUadlBxhBpUSUjUrbFNDq-Ep8sJH-bMxFA8grAHCBY0aBwT8V1W-UAkgNuCqnFEch9b7Qmsx1urBaxF5EgTAW9PVdbkvKjiEvhkKjUvw-9qbIuxzRR9w0rzqyhK
Source? I don’t know how to search this information.
This anti-hero film is going to be amazing!
That’s hawt.
UHC market cap is $460B, so that’s a 10% hit. Definitely worth the hit the CEO took.

Muhahaha! Burn it all down!
Just looking at the chain of events here,
1. UnitedHealth CEO is assassinated by someone with a grievance against the profit-driven denial of care by the company he led.
2. UnitedHealth stock plunges by nearly 15%.
3. The new CEO goes public with a call for “healthcare reform.”
Even assuming that the new CEO’s “healthcare reform” is just a desperate and terrified ploy to get out ahead of calls for *actual* healthcare reform, which might actually threaten his industry and paycheck, I can’t imagine that 3. would have happened without 2., and that 1. didn’t lead to 2.
In other words, 1. got us to 3., and if we keep up the pressure, we might actually get 4., real reform of our predatory healthcare system in which insurers make their money by standing between people and the medical care they need. But it seems like 1. sure works pretty well when so little has before.
WorkReform, stop.
I can only get so hard.

The dildo of consequence often arrives unlubed.
They’ll regain it next year. It’s the same story I’ve and over again. Suffer short term financial consequences until the public forgets about it.
It just means they have to deny more claims so they can start buying their own stock back. This is how CEO’s get bonuses.