Thanks to an update to the dress code at work, I now have to cut my hair based solely upon what’s in my pants.

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The sign says long-haired freaky people need not apply.

So tuck your hair up under your hat, and go in and ask them why.

You can put it up in a bun, can’t you? Or pig tails that don’t go below your shoulders?

Malicious compliance is the best kind of compliance.

I successfully sued my company for making me (female) wear a dress everyday. Gendered dresscodes SUCK.

I am fairly certain this falls under gender based discrimination unless you work in food service or mechanical types of jobs that would require all employees to have hair off their shoulders or above there for safety

The next time someone wants to argue that gender isn’t a social construct, show them this.

There is no biological reason for men to cut their hair at all, especially given the same rule doesn’t apply to women.

Cut your hair but wear a skirt and heels, as there’s no mention of that.

They wouldn’t let me walk across the stage to get my high school diploma unless I cut my hair. This was told to me on the day of the graduation, while my parents were in the auditorium and we were in the back lining up to be seated. I went ahead and let them cut it, i regret it now, but I didn’t want to upset my parents.

I spent the whole entirety of my Junior and Senior year with long hair. The school board was going to be in attendance at the graduation so it had to be dealt with. It’s always optics. Dogshit policy. Sorry its like that.

Wear really really bad cheap pussycat wigs.

This policy also discriminates against Sikh men…

It’s wild to me that companies get to decide hair styles.

Might be a naive question cause I’m in Canada but is that even legal?

Put your hair in a bun. It’s now no longer passing your shoulders.

Lucky for you, an executive order was just passed that defines every human as female.

Become Sikh on company time, get to carry a knife as an added bonus.

Why did they do that…

Braid your hair, fuck them

Assuming you have straight hair, it’s a great opportunity for a perm. If it never touches your shoulders, it can’t be shoulder length.

If it’s a new policy, they can’t make you as your hair was longer than that prior to the policy. That doesn’t mean they won’t try to find a way to get rid of you but changing the rules after the fact isn’t allowed.

I had a buddy who let them take his picture for the guide book on what your beard wasn’t allowed to look like. He never cut his because they couldn’t make him but he was the example for all the new employees.

When do you work? 1955?

How is this not sex/gender discrimination?

Regardless, this is totally ok in trump’s America.

In today’s world with everyone wearing long hair, how is this legal?

I was constructively dismissed from a job years ago because of my hair. I was a teenager and the boomer owner didn’t like my new wave haircut (it was the 80s). So he gave me a couple of hours a week sweeping the parking lot rather than straight up firing me. A few years later he was hard up for help and called me to see if I’d come back now that I was more mature. Laughed at him and hung up.

I hate this shit. How does the length of your hair affect your job performance? Do you work around machinery that could be a safety hazard with long hair? If so, it shouldn’t matter the person’s sex.. Just the fact they have long hair.

Also, since it was written after you were hired under the old policy, you should be grandfathered in. You agreed to work for them under the original policy. This seems like a change in contract and shouldn’t be done unilaterally (unless that is stipulated somewhere).
Edit for typo

If you are in the US according to executive order, we are all women now. Congratulations! Enjoy your long hair.

Says should not, not “cannot.” Precise language.

Instructions unclear. How to measure the length of your shoulders?

They probably mean shoulder height, right? In that case it should be well over a meter/ a few feet.

You could get an really ugly wig to wear.

I’d go in with long hair every day and make them fire me.

Sex discrimination, illegal.

Just put it up in a bun or high ponytail, please don’t cut your hair because of an unnecessary rule created by some octogenarians

My company does the same thing, along with the statement about natural hair colors as well. Since red hair is technically found in nature, women can dye their hair all varieties of wild and completely unnatural red, but if we want to do a deep blue, or pink, etc it’s against the rules no matter how tasteful it is, even if it’s just a few pieces or the bottom side of the hair.

Time for the ugliest neutral colored wig you can find 🤣

What are they gonna do, pull your pants down and check?

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