That. Makes. No. Sense.

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I knew when they made DLCs GOTY eligible this was coming, lol

Pal World? Really? It’s early access game, it is not even released.

Bruh put cod in the list lmao

COD should never be mentioned in this conversation ever again.

They should just make a dlc category

What happened with Black Myth Wukong?

Metaphor is my goty

Id rather have that than half the games listed.

Balatro is gonna win

My guy, that DLC was better that half of the games you listed, Pre-Patch.

Black ops 6?! 😂get that off the list


Meanwhile Space Age DLC Factorio having %95 positivity as DLC

The DLC alone is better than almost any released this year maybe except space marine 2. Still, I wouldn’t count DLCs for GoTY.

Imagine the game of the year isn’t a game but a dlc

Its just better

Silent Hill 2 remake? GOTY? Lol it runs like shit.

I would give It to Hades II It IS a máster piece, but its not finished yet, so i understand It.

Elden ring IS just gorgeous, so i understand It before a remake (love Silent hill tho) or FREAKING black ops.

SoTE is big enough to be its own game so i reckon its fine

Helldiver’s 2. No way in the world it’s GOTY. It could have been…but they nerfed their chance…I mean their guns.

No unicorn overlord mention, I love that game

You should see r/eldenring they’re having a meltdown over it

Not seeing HD2 or SM2 on GOTY nominations was pure BS

Well maybe the other games should step it up

Pal World and Stellar blade? That’s funny

Echoes of wisdom shouldn’t be an legend of zelda game at all. Like Hyrule Warriors. But whats even worse is that someone you’ve been bribed to put on COD in this list. I prefer lawn mower sim above that hot pile of garbage.

most garbage take in a while

I wouldnt call any one those Games let alone a DLC GOTY Material.

Overpriced ass dlc tho

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