That man be her biggest fan and we love to see it

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Why is it that anytime a bw is with a wm, all of a sudden she’s a “traitor of the culture”?? There are Candace Owens bw, who really are traitors, but the vast majority of bw with wm are normal people looking to be loved and accepted as an interracial couple.

I don’t understand why it’s okay for white creators and fans to love “they not like us” but Serena dances to it and people are making memes about her husband?? I don’t get it. He’s a great, doting dad and husband.

His name is Alexis Ohanian, who is one of the founders of Reddit. Here’s a couple better photos of the man.
comment image?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab04556498fcb70f2851950eb7287330a8c6d962

I don’t know a damn thing about that man and I love that for all of us. Like I always see yall say he loves her so much and they’re such a great couple but really, I feel like she keeps that man out my face entirely and I love that so much for her 😂😂

They’ve called Ciara and Michelle Obama men as well even though they are both with black men. It has nothing to do with their partner, they just hate black women.

Some of y’all can’t even pay ya bills on time but got time to worry about this shit 😂

This is an unflattering pic of him lol, he doesn’t usually look like this. However, he’s over 6′ and a multi-millionaire. In my book, that’s winning. Serena had done well for herself.

Does he own this site?

More power to her I say 

He looks easy to 3d model

Yeah I remember dudes calling her a man and all that shit.

But then, once news broke that she was marrying the Co-Founder of Reddit, dudes everywhere were calling her their “Ebony Queen” and that “Our Ebony Queen has been taken from us.”

The long hair isn’t doing him justice and that’s just a bad angle.


Can we also talk about how part of the reason she crip walked at the super bowl was because got alot of heat for crip walking at the olympics…

Is that Jacksepticeye?

But for real, haters are gonna hate. It’s a deep rooted hate within themselves for themselves that they project onto others to feel better And more secure.

Some people never reach a level of maturity where they realise they aren’t the main character, they are stuck assuming that (due to them only being able to experience their own existence,) everyone else should confom to the world view they hold, without ever questioning why they feel this way.

I heard something once that really shook me to my core, “Pain, demands to be felt” and Generational trauma is the same, we take on the beliefs and constructs we are surrounded by and exposed to. Unless you yourself become someone who decides to feel the pain of growth, truth and reconciliation, all you do is allow the pain to act though you and pass to the next generation. You become a conduit for someone else’s beliefs, pain, and fear, and never realise your own values. You merely exist and die, only the pain remains.

when we gonna start talk in about the culture being toxic af. been that way a longgg time.

I only hate on the husband because I had a crush on her. But really there isn’t anything seeing with their relationship

She chose the man who loves her as she deserves to be loved, and he’s wealthy enough that she doesn’t have to worry about him taking advantage of her fame and fortune. I hope they get to grow very, very old together.

I love that he’s a normal ass dude 😂 gives the rest of us hope that we can pull a Serena

Edit: Just read that he’s a billionaire soooo… 🤔😂🤣

Also, these people complaining are not from LA and def NOT associated with the crips, or any gang, but want to claim crip walking as their culture. Ok, go down there in their territory and crip walk and see how welcoming they are.

It’s actually kinda crazy how so many people have taken what gang culture created and decided, oh I look like them, so that’s mine too.

Naw, we been known Serena was thicker than a snicker since 2004ish. She was with black men (Common, Drake, etc etc) well before getting with her billionaire husband

Drake fans are the only people alive that are cornier than Drake himself

Why people are so concerned with what other people do, astonishes me. If they aren’t hurting anyone fucking leave them alone.


First of all, I’m a hater, not a bigot.

I didn’t like when she was with Common, and I’m a huge Common fan.

No matter WHO Serena’s with, my ass gonna be hating!!!

I’m married to a white guy. There are people who believe you cannot be married to white people and be pro-Black. Wildly absurd take, not to mention incorrect.

They stay so mad when black women say “okay” and find love outside.

The drake glazers are out

No, it’s because they are as racist as the people they been complaining about.

That’s called racism…

Black people are cooked! We’ve been baked, deep-fried, sautéed, and broiled.

Serious question, is that /u/spez ?

Haters gonna rethink their actions and become reasonable and logical people with love in their hearts…nah

They just move the goalposts to continue to hate. They don’t have a full set of emotional tools so they focus on feeling something even if it’s bitterness and anger directed at strangers

In 47 years, I’ve dated women of all races, skin tones, and complexions. My first/ex-wife was black. My second/late wife was biracial. My current girlfriend is also biracial. Date & love who you love, while remembering your roots.

He’s actually a handsome guy when you look him up, this is just an off guard pic.

I wouldn’t really care that she was married to Alexis, if I didnt think he was a bitch (that’s because of how I’ve seen him use his wife and daughter to duck smoke he asked for). I mean I still don’t really care cause it’s her life and as long as she’s happy, but acting like white men weren’t the main ones calling her a man is crazy. Whoever made that tweet probably used to have to scroll past ten tweets from white men insulting Serena, five tweets of Black men bigging her up to see one from a nigga tripping just to go “See Black men hate Black women”. I still remember Common and Drake fighting over her some 15 years ago, she got a lot of love from the Black community.


Let people love who they love. None of my business.

Bruh, what? Black men never hated Serena or called her a man. Social media is a propaganda juggernaut.

She was getting slagged off in tennis circles. Who occupies tennis circles?

I’ve been seeing this all over. It’s crazy how people can get viral for this kind of pettiness

That guy probably adores the ground she walks on, Caster. Put the fries in the bag.

It just occurred to me – guys try to become a walking bench press machine the width of a three door wardrobe, and them talking to women is a constant fight for dominance, because you should always be Alfa sigma, epsilon or whatever male.
Yet if you are just kinda nice to be around girls will like you and flock to you, no matter how you look

I’d kill to have a partner who loves me as much as Alexis loves Serena.

Ppl will say this but ragequit if you question Aubrey’s authenticity

Serena can do whatever she wants and be with whoever she wants. She’s the most successful athlete of all time. However, I find it weird to dance to a song about a black man saying he’s not the culture while you married this white man.

Personally, I don’t mind when white millionaire and billionaires wife up black women. It shows that they are desired. 

He doesn’t look that bad. Maybe a nice outfit and a good hairstyle, and he’d look good. As long as she’s happy

Black men will often choose white women because of self hate or mutual fetishization. Not alwqys, but it’s definitely a pattern.

Meanwhile, I dont think ive ever seen a black woman in a long term relationship with a white man who weren’t both putting in work and both love and respecting black people. I trust any man who actually loves black women. We dont get awarded the protections of other women, so we have to be tough in a lot of ways, and only real ones appreciate us and how much we’ll do for the people we love.

why he look like a Walmart version of the Winter Soldier from Captain America 🤣😭😂

Ok so apparently this is a real picture and someone didn’t photoshop my friend into a photo with Serena Williams. TIL.

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