That moment at the flea market, when you realize you’re looking at a vampire killing kit.

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I would buy it in a heartbeat if it weren’t too expensive. [This is the only thing I find when searching for a vampire hunting kit on the internet.](

They clone them in China and sell to the silly tourists on every corner.

Movie prop?

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Vampire killing kit for sale. Never used 😢

Nosferatu in shambles

To be fair, it’s also effective against non-vampires. Stake through the heart will stop most.

Novelty item from perhaps a hundred years ago.

If someone went to all that trouble to make that I’d have to buy it cuz maybe I could need it and just don’t know it

That’s so cool !!! I’d buy it right away. Did you ?

We want to know the story behind this object too, that’s pretty awesome.

What did it cost?

That’s literally cosplay props, often from past the 1970s.

Then the vendor says “slightly used” 👀

Pawn stars Halloween edition- “Rick or Treat”

They offered him 100 bucks for the pistol only. Obviously cooler than that

Well, there’s the proof I needed to believe that vampires are real.


Insert Pippin “I’m getting one”

I would totally buy that

Fake or not I’d still buy it- this looks cool as shit

Hellsing vibes


As already said 3 years ago by u/sternvern

*Unfortunately, these kits are very unlikely to predate the 1950’s.*

*”To answer this question, I completed a thorough survey of vampire slaying in both folklore and fiction. In the process it became clear that kits like our one could not have existed until the era of ‘Hammer’ horror films in the 1950s–70s. Our kit is inspired by the movies, not Victorian stories and folklore.”*

Ooo! What were they asking for it?? The was an amazing oddities/medical auction a few years ago that had a few of these. Our bids were jokes for what they went for! lol. [—medical-scientific-historical-material-rare-books-12222](—medical-scientific-historical-material-rare-books-12222)

I honestly thought the one in the middle was…
I didn’t realize it was a hammer, well a different type.

Thought perhaps the old proposed method involved a progressive series of murder sticks, paused with a fuck stick, to then finish em off with more murder.

Either way, cool.

‘’I am Richter Belmont, last descendant of The Belmont clan, and I kill Vampires!’’

Garlic sold separately

It’s something you won’t find on Amazon or Temu xd

Wasn’t this on pawn starrs?

but, where’s the _garlic_ in all of this??


Maybe that belonged to Peter Vincent. Famous vampire hunter.

those stakes have gotten some use too, damn they probably wanted something outrageous for it.

I knew it! That’s why my Bug-a-salt is full of garlic salt! /s (That’s too neat or funny to pass up for cheap.)

I don’t care if it’s fake, looks pretty damn good compared to what toys they have these days. I’d buy it.

Ok. Im buying this, specifically to put in a floorboard somewhere to seriously fuck with my kids or the next owners of my home, whoever finds it.


DEMON: “Prepare to fulfill your destiny Priest!”

CONSTANTINE: “Haha! Not so fast unclean one!

CONSTANTINE: ** opens jewelry box **

CONSTANTINE: “Shit! I sold the wrong one!”

The Shadow boxing for the wooden stakes, look…. Hygenic…

Be cooler if one of the stakes was missing

Why is this a thing in flea markets? 😂 I remember seeing a stall selling shit like this in florida (of course) years ago on holiday

You DID buy this, right?

Where’s the Whip?

Hell yes. I hope you bought this

Just so you know, most of these are art projects and not something people actually owned historically.

Pretty sure this exact one was on Pawn Stars


It wasn’t the exact one, but they do a decent job explaining why they’re all fakes.

OMG!! I would’ve bought it in a heartbeat. Or non-heartbeat.😊

Van Helsing paraphernalia.

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