That one professor

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Professor: I will teach u 100 times if u didn’t understand

Me when I ask him for 2nd time………..

Professor: but its soo simple

that’s not a good one , a good one is someone who understands the concept so well that’s they can dumb it down for us mortal to understand

And then you ask the backbencher and they explain with literal memes and you get full scores 👻

It’s the worse when they have the thickest accent ever and they just start smoking bc you don’t understand them

“Grandpa Homelander doesn’t exist. He can’t hurt you”

Grandpa Homelander:

my dad, a literal PhD rocket scientist, shouting at an eleven year old about math lmao

My general biology professor when every single student has a C in his class because they can’t keep up with 14 weekly assignments, two weekly quizzes, 6 weekly in class group projects in a class of 400 kids, and the reading of the 500 page dissertation he wrote on how he wants to have gay sex with Charles Darwin because they have other classes and multiple jobs to work


I have a static engineering prof who taught us nothing, but constantly gets furious that we don’t know anything. Horrible Prof, worse person.

I’m gonna be on the committee to find his replacement, gonna do all in my power to make that work so he can’t haunt later generations of students

thats why we have the indian guys on youtube, our real professors

I’m just gonna nod and smile.

Phys 2 prof. “This is simple really” proceeds to derive quantum equations.

You can see the years of research leaving his soul in real time

Why is homelander old? Where is this scene from?

30 years of research and experience, breaks down as soon as you ask them a real world question.

Professor: Pathetic.

He will tell you that you need 30 years to understand

professor Heisen-lander

That was the day I realized he was autistic.

Wtf happened? Memes became decent recently

“Its trivial”

If it was, then I wouldnt be here prof… always the hardest things were “trivial”

Why does he look like Walter White?

You can’t gain wisdom without facing challenges.

He knows you don’t know the concept, chances are high that he also don’t know fully about the concept but still more than you (he 99%, you 0%). His job is now to tell you about the concept and your job is it to make yourself learn the concept. That’s academic teaching.

The real knowledge you gain from this is the ability how to teach yourself complicated shit and how to invest your time.You force yourself to browse sources to get a understanding and then use it practically in your work. The understanding increases then with the experience over time. That’s how he managed to get in his position.

When you can see from the summit, all the footholds and twists needed to reach the top compress, all the planning is forgotten, and in the moment, this simple way to climb up is apparent.

It’s easy to then have an understanding of your path, but you have not mastered the mountain. You only climbed this one peak, and you now a have a new perspective on your collected knowledge.

Professors must remember the scrapes and bruises from the climb, or they’ll never be grounded enough to communicate.

Thank you all for coming to my RockTalk.

Looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger

We had a professor who retired now that studied chemistry while doing his medical degree :/

Ah yes, the classic ‘I could explain it, but look at how wise I am’ face.


Gordon Oldman, Decorated veteran of the combine rebellion

Indian Man with a Youtube tutorial:


Gabe ? Is that you ?

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