That state never fails to amaze me

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Just following orders hua? Where have I heard that before?

Same asshole who claimed “There’s no one more military than me” while never having served, and blocking military promotions.

I also recall hearing he doesn’t even live in Alabama, his actual home is in Florida. 

Tommy Tubberville is an idiot. The voters in my home state are idiots. This is truly the dumbest timeline.

Benny Johnson was/is a paid Russian stooge. Tuberville, the fucking idiot, constantly sticks up for Putin and Russia. Tuberville is one of the dumbest human beings on the planet. The only reason he is an elected official is because he was a college football coach and Republicans love voting for famous people, see: Reagan, Trump, et al.

This is the same state that said our constituents and we will never want or ask for legal weed. All of us as a collective population said WHO IS THIS WE?? 

Alabama out here speedrunning the race to 50th place.

I mean, he spoke the truth 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Alabama had a moment of clarity when they sent a decent man in Doug Jones but that was a fluke. They sent him packing and voted for this idiot.

I grew up in Alabama. It has many beautiful features, including some excellent colleges and universities,. There are a lot of good people there, but obviously there are not enough of them to redeem the state from idiocy.

Grew up in Alabama my family stay in Alabama still. I moved to California 2012 I never looked back. Beautiful state but the politics is fucking horrible😂 had to get out.

If it weren’t for all the Black folks down there, I’d wish nothing but the worst for the whole state of Alabama

Republicans really learned a new word “referendum” and they don’t really know what it means but by golly they’re gonna repeat it

I have a friend who lives in Alabama, I wonder how long he’ll stay.

Holding his head down in shame as he’s a horrible coach as well. We ended up beating his team 65-27 that night.
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next spring is about to be an utter shitshow with all the “mandate” shit maga has been spewing this month 🫠

Florida’s third senator needs to shut up.

We see a result of that having happened. The reasons are many decades old.

We pay this guy a lot of actual money to make less decisions than a McDonald’s employee.

When he recruited me in high school my parent said that he’ll never send me to Aurburn because they didn’t think he’ll look out for my best interest but a entire state said otherwise 😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️.

Tommy Tuberville: “I’m a bitch.”

Circa 2024.

Why is it don’t trust the government until Trump is involved? Then it’s just do what he says.

Will their lives still have meaning in 2028 when the orange bozo fucks off.

“Gave a referendum to me”. ROFL. Alabama is producing the greatest minds.

Can ‘referendum’ be used in this way? I feel like he means ‘mandate’ but I might be the one who’s mistaken. 

No they’re just stupid! NM is ranked 50th in education and we’re a blue state.

God what a lipless ghoul

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