That will never work in a million years.

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we actually got our results through a pdf in their web portal.

I think its OK to have a reason to have a party with friends and family to celebrate something new in your lives. Just don’t shoot a cannon with blue or pink lead-based paint into a glacier or anything.

Ok but can I still invite my friends and have a party so we can all celebrate?

I will never understand why people care so much about this. Seriously, who fucking cares

I went to one of those parties. They made me pay an entry fee and there wasn’t even an open bar.

Our gender reveal party was when the baby was born and the doctor told us “here’s your son” and “here’s your daughter” with the second.

I prefer the old fashioned gender reveal, where you’re still guessing right up to the very last second….

every party is only 30% about the the thing being celebrated , the other 70% is just wanting to have a big of craic

What’s the crisis, when you won’t even need any gender-specific items for several years after they arrive?

It’s weird that every town doesn’t have a baby garments rental service. They outgrow everything every three months.

My wife and I didn’t want the know the gender until birth. I thought it was one of life’s only true surprises. Well due to complications my wife had to have some different tests. She gets an email saying her results are in so she opens her account. I hear, ” well shit” out of my wife’s mouth and immediately worry. I ask her over and over what’s wrong and finally she tells me that the first thing it says was the gender of our baby. So, yea opening an email was our gender reveal party.

Okay but what’s the draw?

If you aren’t setting a state on fire what’s the point?

I had my gender reveal the old fashioned way. I gave birth and they said “it’s a boy”

gender reveal with zero casualties, just the way it should be 💯

*sex reveal

That’s exactly what we did! It was glorious!

Gender reveal party where the baby comes out and everybody looks at its genitals.

So decadent !

It’s the balls that let you know.

It’s a low-key gender reveal

Mine was even less exciting, I opened an email from the company that did the test and clicked a link. Didn’t even go anywhere. Wooooo!!!

Oh yeah, this is how we did it, and guess what, it was fine and nobody died.

But you still have to burn down the doctor’s office to celebrate.

We told them not to tell us and found out at birth, both times.

Even if you get the results online, it forces you through a bunch of unnecessary fanfare. I was on the phone with my wife and her sister when we got the results, and all three of us were sick of the hoops we had to jump through by the time it actually got around to telling us.

And THEN it explodes.

Gender reveal parties are stupid. But I do love parties and spending time with my friends and I’ll take any excuse to throw a party

how is the entire world supposed to know the sex of your baby if you don’t have a reveal party?

I got phone calls both times! I couldn’t wait!

Better yet, who cares what the gender of the child is? Just be happy for whatever new life you are bringing into this world regardless of their genetic makeup.

We had a slightly larger reveal party when our kids were born, there were a couple of nurses and an anesthesiologist in the delivery room with my wife, me and the OBGYN. When the baby was delivered we got the news.

Much better is if you look up the signs of gender in sonograms and then argue with the tech about it.

I found out over the phone with my nurse and sent a group text to my family. This was almost 4 years ago. I was excited. I didn’t need a reveal party to make myself feel special.

I remember when we were talking about the gender of our baby, the doctor mentioned… this is her clitoris. I’m like… great… can we NOT talk about that.

That’s what I did all 3 times. We wanted my oldest to call the grandparents and tell them the gender right after but she was crying too hard because both times she just wanted a brother but my wife and I literally didn’t have it in us. (My wife because she was pregnant and me because I’ve only ever made girls. )

My wife and I did not know the sex of our children until birth. I fucking love that we did it that way.

That’s exactly like that in most countries around the world. I don’t know what’s wrong with americans.

Hey! That’s what we did!

Of course, I was paying close attention as the nurse looked around with the ultrasound and then saw ‘it’ both times for our 2 kiddos (spoiler: they’re both boys)

I’m all for parties, but eff gender reveal parties, just announce it in whatever bullshit way you want on social media, so long as it is purely digital and not physical

I had the gender reveal at birth twice. Very surprising to all.

Let people celebrate how they want to celebrate

Don’t most ppl do that tho

It’s not really a “gender” reveal party though, is it? It’s a biological sex party. Who knows what their gender expression will be.

i don’t understand reddits undying hatred of gender reveal parties. i’m not like saying they’re best thing ever but it’s as good a reason as any to celebrate.

I got a phone call after a lab test. My husband and I were sick so we agreed to know as a small pick me up. Best decision because I had time to process before sharing the gender with others.

wow just like the ones i had

they told us over the phone at 8 weeks. Asked before are you sure. We looked at each other and were like Uh yeah I guess. It’s not gonna change so whatever.

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