That’ll do it

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I like the comment someone made about not ” committing these sin of empathy”. Really? That’s pretty much all of what Jesus taught.

Every so called “Christian” in the US should sit down and actually read the Bible, and see where it backs up any of their beliefs. And I mean the New Testament if they claim to follow Christ.

activist doing activist things. Never would have guessed

I am s simple man I see David tennant I upvote 

Blessed are the CHEESEmakers

She should have closed with: “Do unto others as you’d like to be done unto you.”
Regardless the ONLY person in the country with balls. /s

What is this?

Funny how everyone who is not a Christian, overnight, suddenly became an expert in Christianity.


People hate kindness

She put her lgbt views and projected it into the Bible. God hates that. Pride is satans whole thing and downfall. Y’all have a whole month dedicated to pride, unbeknownst serving the devil.

Could you dm me upvote rate in a day or two? I’m really curious what it’ll be…

my issue with it is how she did it, she came up there in front of America and was very disrespectful and rude, which took everything she said and made it amount to jack shit. people who actually talk to professionals in a professional manor know that being respectful about how you criticize a person is what makes or breaks your argument, and she broke it hard

Kindness doesn’t pay the bills

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