That’s a good start…

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What do you call a hundred billionaires chained together on the bottom of the ocean?

– A good start.

How do you open the front door?

Every subreddit is turning into a political mess and mods are allowing it.

Also the families as well as Mr Trump said in an interview. So where does Mr Trump go, hopefully not back to the Isle of Lewis.

Some of the dumbest comments!

What is the clever comeback here, exactly?

They’re here legally tho. Most republicans and people in general want to deport the illegal immigrants in the country

Well, since they are here legally, I guess maybe we could start with the murderers and the rapists and the likes like that. Then, we can deport all of the undocumented that just walked across the border.

But who’s going to replace them? Loomer and MTG?

Hell yeah. Elon is #1 on my list of foreigners who should be deported.


But if we’re starting with billionaires and people who don’t pay enough taxes, I think a lot of us can get behind that! 😂

I don’t get it? They aren’t here illegally.

Isn’t the US made up of immigrants?

Elon being the richest African American in history, he must be doing something of value?

What in the AI is happening to that car rim?

So clever that you had to use AI?

How about we be rational and not start with American citizens.

Another Democrat who doesn’t understand legal.

I can’t tell if this is edited on or not

Isn’t Trump a second generation of an immigrant family?

We do not want Elon back.

But they are here legally

ive seen this repost so many times r/RepostSleuthBot

Open the front door and you get Rtation with Melania.

They also want to get rid of birthright citizenship. Every American aside from Natives is a product of immigration. So let’s put Trump in that list.

Ok so this isn’t a clever comeback but… is that a Bentley

Doesn’t he move to US like 20 years ago? For how long do you have to live there to became a legal citizen?

Speaking of Mrs. Trump, how about that ridiculous hangin’ out dress she had on for New Years?

Don’t forget Peter Thiel.

Cancel natural born citizenship?

Let’s start with the Trumps

lmao why?

But he came here legally and hasn’t broken any laws 🙄. O.k. maybe he has made 🤔 a few democrats 😢 cry. But that’s a recent law, that will be the first law to be overthrow by the republican government 🤔.

And melanias parents, who were chain migrated through the uscis when Trump had the entire usa shut down from any kind of legal immigration the last time he was in office

And seize his wealth as he’s deported to South Africa 

Can’t imagine Melania would mind

Last Trump Presidency reddit was like… “immigrants are people and deportation is wrong. “Melania is a victim. Look at all the photos of her being forced here and there. You can see she’s being abused.” This presidency reddit is like, “deport her shes bad.” Yall are too fickle.

Weird AI

Are they here illegally? Are you suggesting we deport people who married Americans?

Look, I’m in total agreement with mass deportation being a bad idea. But why can’t we find a catchy phrase that makes sense?

Both are legal. Try again

The hypocrisy of MAGA

Did they come here illegally?

Why, that means you agree with it

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