That’s how rich people get ahead.

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Need to spend many of those hours working? Your life is not the same as someone whose basic needs are paid for by inherited money. 

Need to spend many of those hours taking care of your health? Your life is not the same as someone without a chronic illness. 

So many reasons not to victim-blame here. 

worked closed to mega rich, you may say its the same time for everyone one, its not.

Their main benefit compared with everyone else (aside of money obviously) is time. The do not wait in line, they do not travel commercial, people arrange their schedule to fit them. Services of any kind will put them first in line. There is not “have to make an appointment” to them.

and one thing that really annoyed me, they ask for discounts all the fucking time, and company give them huge one, not seen to the rest of the public.

Odd that I literally thought this today. I have 1.5 drive time service my job and I live alone so I do all my cooking and cleaning. I have no dishwasher so I have to wash by hand, which doesn’t take long depending on what I’m cooking ,(or if I even do, I’m often so tired I do frozen meals) I also have to drive to and from the laundromat.
If I was able to afford a place closer to work, I would have so much more free time. To make healthy food, to work out. To enjoy my life. Every minute helps.. if I could get into a place with washer and dryer at the same time. Man that would be so nice to not waste time driving. All those things. Even if I had the option of riding a train or something, it’s more time I could be doing CEU for work, or writing etc.
The crazy thing is I’m making ok money. I’m not wealthy by any means but I do ok for my area. And I’m still struggling

I commute 45 minutes one way. I waste 90 minutes a day.

My life is not the same as the sex slave that lives and works in the same one room dungeon.

Not everyone was born rich lol

And not everyone who is currently rich was born rich. Or didn’t face the same hurdles she mentions.

Bruh y’all act like people aren’t getting rich from broke at the fastest rate ever cuz of social media. People who were complete strangers can go viral and get rich like Mrs huak Tua did. We literally all have the same 24hrs but most people use them to envy others instead of leveling themselves up as much as people do their video game characters

Yes! Take away the President’s private jet. He should fly commercial.

Probably coming from someone who is still doing better in life than many. To complain about rich people living better than poor.

End of the day it shouldn’t be the same because that staff has a job now.

We all have basic needs and rights. But you don’t have the right to someone’s labor so be prepared to pay and provide for others if you can’t do it yourself.

If only I didn’t have to do the dishes and take the bus id have created Amazon lol ok lady

My sister’s ex boss (finance industry) had a nanny and a night nurse. They didn’t even take care of their own infant. Never mind chores or errands.

This is a negative mentality. 

They were born years ahead

stop it patel

Its still 24hrs rich or poor

lol someone tell her comparison is the thief of joy. There is always someone doing better, chill the f out lady.

And most of them didn’t earn the money

In other words… the real gift of AI and robotics will be… SLAVES. The gift from the wealthy who used to own people, will now fund the tech to give each person a robotic slave. I’m predicting within 20-years. And mankind will have 15-hours back every day, to create, innovate, drink….

Ever wonder how historical figures had like 12 hobbies and invented 6 things? Yeah.

Pretty obvious.

It’s about how much time you can spend on growth vs survival.

Far too many have to waste their time on 2 jobs, etc, just to survive, leaving little to no time for growth.
It takes serious dedication and loads of luck to escape this wealth trap.

I used the corporate jet twice. One time I flew Flew from central Texas to Tampa worked for 8 hours flew back to and was able to coach soccer practice at 7:30. It’s amazing how much time you save. Not to mention I was able to comfortably work on the plane.

Finally someone said it. Privilege changes everything, stop pretending it doesn’t.

On this topic, I read a book called the Almanack of Naval Ravikant which is a collection of his various stories and pieces of wisdom.

Some good stuff in there. However, one of them is about valuing your own time. On the surface it makes sense, it’s about prioritization of tasks that give a return on investment. But the guy went to a great school, graduated from Dartmouth, and immediately jumped into the Silicon Valley startup scene. This is a different **universe** from someone who was raised by a single parent, had to work through high school and college so grades suffered, didn’t have tutors, couldn’t afford to take an SAT class, and didn’t have guidance or mentors.

He assigned a value of $1000 an hour to his own time so he wouldn’t consider things that weren’t worth the investment. Yeahhhh… the average person just can’t do that, not even close. Being able to assign that much value to one’s time is a luxury of the privileged.

Funny how some wealthy people just can’t fathom that poor people didn’t have the same opportunities. This is where the “lift themselves up by their bootstraps” and “just work harder” comments come from. They had it relatively easy so they assume everyone else has the same chances in life too.

I don’t think you need a private jet to get ahead

No shit Sherlock, having more money gives you more advantages, crazy right?

I don’t care how rich I become, I take pride in cooking my own meals.

The dream is to be able to exchange my time for enough money so that I have enough money to trade it for time.

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