That’s just brutal lmao

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I’m glad these people lost thousands on him. They absolutely deserve it.

The inauguration hasn’t happened yet, if she’s wandering around lost in DC, which has a ton of FREE museums, her problem is another.

It was never about the eggs

I love people who complain about grocery prices and then they post what they’re buying and it’s like 4 things of ground beef, 4 things of eggs, 4 things of milk for a single person it’s like why do you need that much for one week if it’s just you

Don’t know why they are so mad that the inauguration has been moved inside the capitol. I thought they knew how to break in.

“… and now we’re just walking around lost” like the fucking pair of jackass’ y’all are.

It blows my mind that these people really expect something positive when dealing with that convict.

I’m not watching one fucking second of those idiots getting back into seats of actual power tomorrow… we’ve had over four years of them and their followers bitching and moaning about an unfair election (but since they won this one, everything’s alright) and how bad shit wouldn’t have gone down on their watch. Time to fucking prove that you were the better choice. The fucking crypto grifting and selling tickets to an event people can’t attend now…

Just wait until the rugpull on the Trump meme coin

You get what you pay for…

Isn’t it free to attend inaugurations. Obviously there are travel costs for some of these people, which is dumb to watch this but isn’t it free to attend?

Republicans consider donations to Trump as mandatory and are insulated that this is not respected by anyone else.

MAGA misery and disappointment brings me JOY!

Pretty sure Tammie would starve to serve her orange master

I 100% agree that all of the people who wasted their time and money to go there are the very same people complaining about the cost of eggs gas and inflation in general. Yet they can afford to take a trip right after Christmas? Yea they must really be struggling. Smfh.

Tomorrow is an awful day for this country. Thank goodness I work in a school and we have the day off tomorrow. I’m not watching any TV or listening to any news. Wearing all black and I’m going to catch up on some deep cleaning and have a family game night with the kiddos tonight to celebrate the last night of actual peace and freedoms.

GOP=POS. They were just looking for something to complain about, so they wouldn’t have to point out that Harris was black.

Typical cult morons

I am sure they’ll also buy up all his scam crypto.

Absolutely nothing else in DC worth seeing and learning about besides Pigshit’s inauguration

Lady was wandering around lost long before she got to DC..

2024 Black Friday sales were at a record high. Americans love consumerism and hate the slightest economic inconvenience

Anyone who voted for this clown has been “walking around lost” for far longer than they’ve been in DC to see him inaugurated.

Not a cult. 🤣

It absolutely amazes me that so many people are still getting grifted by this guy. It’s well documented. It’s just weird.

We’re all disappointed to see him sworn in too.

Tell Tammie to go to the Smithsonian. All of the museums are free. Maybe she’ll learn something

They should just crawl in through a window. That’s what they did last time on Jan. 6th.

Looks like it was never about eggs

Yeah…a lot of the people that bitched about the cost of eggs and all the rest can always find thousands of dollars to spend on their favorite convicted felon conman president. Always. This situation is fucking hilarious…Trump once again fucks a mass of his supporters in January. It’s too bad the rest of us that have NEVER wanted him or his family anywhere near our government have to take it too.

How does that famous Corey Lewandowski quote go…oh yeah: ”Womp Womp..”

If you blow money on shit you don’t need and wonder why you can’t afford basic items to live, you don’t get to complain that the economy is the problem.


This is just pure comedy gold. Please people, keep posting these kinds of heart warming stories of magas being grifted and crying about it.

Maga tears are my protein shake.

Ha ha! Thoughts and inaugerations. Here’s to the eggs on your face!

“walking around lost” 🫨🤣

In the nations capital, obviously with extra cash to spend, apparent smart phone, grown ass adults cant figure out something to do for a day lol

There’s a sucker born every minute.

The fact that they went to Washington DC and can’t find anything else to do except go to his inauguration says the most here.

Notice how it remains not Trump’s fault, his safety is paramount. These people disgust me.

Well, I guess people don’t know how to prioritize things. Which isn’t a surprise.

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